
Balancing Act

Hi all!
~~~~~I've just returned from my fabulous Scrapbooking Retreat in Palm Springs and have much to share with you soon!
In the meantime, I've been nominated by Cathy Nash of Tadpoles and Teacups for the above award and since I've not been given award in a while, I thought I'd play along! Plus the above picture sums up my current life right now. ;0)
Here are the rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and
one word only! Then I must pass it on to three to seven others!
1. Where is your cell phone? Nightstand
2. Where is your significant other? Bedroom
3. Your hair color? Brunette
4. Your mother? Borreggo
5. Your father? Tall
6. Your favorite thing? Freedom
7. Your dream last night? Strange
8. Your dream/goal? Healthy
9. The room you're in? Studio
10. Your hobby? Crafts
11. Your fear? Disasters
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Creating
13. Where were you last night? Scrapbooking
14. What you're not? Organized
15. One of your wish-list items? Shelves
16. Where you grew up? California
17. The last thing you did? Cleansed
18. What are you wearing? Shorts
19. Your TV? Off
20. Your pet? Plants
21. Your computer? On
22. Your mood? Relaxed
23. Missing someone? Yes
24. Your car? CRV
25. Something you're not wearing? Jewerly
26. Favorite store? Craft
27. Your summer? Hot!
28. Love someone? Dyllan
29. Your favorite color? Purple
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Unsure.
Now who to tag?
Sherry of Got Art?
Michele Calico Daisy
And then here's a few thing for you to ponder...
Ok that's it for now. Hope you all had a lovely weekend...Yawn...time for bed.


Fall & Halloween Charm Swap!

~ I'm back, by popular demand to host yet another Charm swap!
This theme however is my favorite...Fall & Halloween!
To see the outcome of past swaps, please go here and here.
The premise is to make up 20 charms and recieve 20 back before the 31st!
Sign up's start now
To be included in this sought after swap, you must do the following:
1. E-mail me your name and mailing info/ birthdate
2. Have your charms in my hands no later than October 22nd.
3. Include with each charm a mini tag or bussiness card with your info, (1) $4.75 stamp and $1 to help with the packaging.
(Local's don't have to pay for shipping)

~ All participants will recieve extra spooky charms from me!
Your charms can be all the same or different, it's up to you! There is no size limit as many will not put these on a bracelet, but instead make wall art, necklaces, and other adornments!
You can get idea's from my past swaps of what materials can be used~ shrink plastic, wire, bottle caps, glass, recycled, felt, even buttons!
Once I receive your info, I will respond with my mailing address.
International is welcome but must be on time on the shipping please!
~ Now on to other things...
I feel immensely bad that I have not uploaded pics of latest craft projects
or added new items in my shops!
I do have everything made up, I do!
But taking pics of everything, then photo shopping them and adding descriptions is soooo time consuming and I've been busy busy busy prepping and organizing
for my groups , "2nd Year" Scrapbook Retreat in Palm Springs at the
Beautiful La Quinta Resort!
The retreat is hosted by Croppin Away.
Please go here to see pics from last year!
There will be 6 of going this year, ( Anne, Teresa, Kimber, Kathy, Myself and Jaymie flying in from CO!)
Starting tomorrow morning (Friday) till after dinner on Sunday, we will be crafting all day, all night!
Everyone contributed craft supplies and treats for our goody totes, and a few of us are doing free demo's for our group! I'm packing up the rest of my stuff today and although I have a clearer idea of what I'm bringing, I've still changed my mind a "gazillion" times on how to pack it all up! Last year I brought everything 'but' the kitchen sink and barely made a dent!
I'll do a little scrapbooking, altered-art , make some cards from scrap paper ( can never have too many cards) and work on more scrapboxes for gifts and a upcoming Boutique.
~ Speaking of scrapbooking, I discovered that Costco has a new thing called collage. when you log in to their on line photo section, click "create" first. select collage. then upload your photo's. For $2.99, I was able to fit 30 photo's in various sizes to a 12X18 sheet. I think it's quite clever and makes my layout more fun. I just cut them out and arrange on my pages or in mini books!

~ See you next week!


Vintage House ATC Swap

~ I did a vintage house ATC swap with one of my yahoo groups. It was fun!
I made packaging tape transfers and laid them over stamped paper. I distressed the edges and added gold highlights!
I always make one for myself as I collect my cards in a binder using trading card sleeves.
This one I kept for myself!

~ These are the ones I recieved...

~ And here are the ones I sent in...

~The group is ATC World


Dyllan's Computer

~ You have to admit, the kid is CUTE!

~ Here he is with his computer.

typing away...he created a new toy with a sheet of paper and a pen!

He drew a screen and keys for typing.

~ He thought this all up on his own!

How cool is that?

~ Such a happy little dude, hugging his puppy.
~ Look at that... quite the little Artist!

~ Hope he brought a smile to your face!


Photo Art for Sale

~ Here's a tease of a shot that I took while driving home from a recent family trip!
For the whole image, please visit my Red Bubble shop here!


Trying something new...

~ I'm trying new things, opening new shops, lot's of exciting suprises to share with everyone!
Well, I've also listed one of my nest charms on dreaded E-bay.
I figure if I don't try, I can't succeed, right?
So here's the clincher, I have the starting bid on my charm for .99, but I'd like to see some action.
And since we bloggers like to help each other out with endorsing each others hand made items or adorable shops, I thought I'd make it fun for you!
Mention this piece on your blog between now and Sept.19th(end time) and I'll put you in a drawing for one of my not yet listed Sterling Silver with Fresh Water pearls Nest Charm!
Here's the link to this item and thanks!


Red Bubble

~ I know you've seen this image here before on my blog...but now it's availible for SALE through an amazing site called Red Bubble. Please, check out my new shop here.
I'm really exploring lots of ways to promote my work and this place (red Bubble) feels really promising!


Visit my new Shop!

~ I've a new Shop!
Please click here and let me know what you think!


The "Lost" Art of Make Believe

~ Thought I'd share something cute!
Dyllan LOVES to play with boxes of any shape. Using them to transport toys, for make believe trains, space ships, or to even hide in for hide and seek!
Brings back memories of as a child we lived in the desert, where everything was ordered from a Sears catalog and came in enormous boxes that were turned into forts and grocery stores.
Now, we don't even think twice about throwing out a box, it's goes straight to the dude.
Sometimes I cut out holes for train tunnels and if one cherished box is damaged beyond play-use, we have to dismantle it in the garage so he can't see us doing it.
I think "Make Believe" is a Lost Art.
To many parents give in to their children, spoiling them with mountains of toys, teaching them not to appreciate what they have. I see it everyday.
Here at home, we try not to overstimulate Dyllan with things he does not need. Early on in his baby days, we kindly asked people "not" to buy him battery operated or comercialized toys.
Now days what he does recieve from the store is a much coveted toy (usually Star Wars) , used as a award.
Often we hear Dyllan ask me ( the Momma) to "make" him something that he see's.
So I try.
Now, just because I am a Artist, does not mean I can create well out of my comfort zone, so some of my "creations" for Dyllan are not store bought quality, but he loves them just the same.
-I have made a Rocket ship out of Wrapping paper rolls and snow cone cup and craft supplies.
-A very large Green Piggy Bank from a 2 ltr sprite bottle and corks.
-Tunnels out of boxes
-A drum from a oatmeal box
-A Train Conductors watch from scrap paper, ribbon and a watch stamp
-a Treasure organizer ( rinestones he finds on the floor from my crafting) with a compartment pill box
...and I'm sure there is more!

~ Please feel free to share what you have made with things around the house for your children.

I would love to hear some new idea's!


Time for a little Vacation!

~Dyllan started Pre-school this week! Really exciting! He loves it! Mon, Wed, Fri. 8:00am-11:30pm. On his first day, (wed), my Mommy friends and I celebrated "me" being the last in our group to enter a child in school by going out for breakfast!
Friday, in the early afternoon, we are going to head out to Laughlin, Nevada with
my good friend Teresa, Rob and Sydney who is close in age to Dyllan. We are staying at the Colorado Belle this year, and on saturday we will be on the river in a rented boat. We do this just about every year. It's fun! We cruise up and down the river, enjoying the beautiful Topok Gorge, swimming in the cool river, lounging at the sand bar.
*It's going to be HOT there. Close to 113 from Friday to Sunday and 95 in the evenings!
Thank goodness for the nice cool river.
~ So I'll see you all after the weekend with a collection of beautiful photo's, and a few sunburns.

Playful Spaces

71% of adults used to play on the streets when they were young.
21% of children do so now.
Are we designing children and play out of the public realm?
This project is a study into different ways of bringing play back into public space.
It focuses on ways of incorporating incidental play in the public realm by not so much as having separate play equipment that dictates the users but by using existing furniture and architectural elements that indicate playful behaviour for all.
It asks us to question the current framework for public space and whether it is sufficient while also giving permission for young people to play in public.

Play as you go…” Bruno Taylor.
See Video Here.


Birds, Bonnets,and a Birthday Girl Crown

~ Here is a Crown I made for my friend Tia's daughters 1st Birthday!

~ Next, these are the cards I made for a Vintage Birds and Bonnets swap, hosted by Karla and Beth. I just never got around to posting what I recieved until now. Sorry if some of the pic's are a little fuzzy!

~ These are the ones I sent out! Front and back.

~ The following 2 were made by Joyce Rodli

~ The next 2 were made by Jeanie of The Marmelade Gypsy!

~ These 2 beautiful ladies were created by Gail Sell

~ And lastly here we have Camille Fano of From the Heart!
