
Halloween Shadow Box Swap

You Are Invited-

To a Halloween Shadowbox Swap!

The Premise:
Create shadowboxes using Halloween miniatures.
 Make a stack-able Haunted house!!

The easiest way to go about making the base for your shadow boxes is to use a carton of 250 matches like the ones above which I found at Walmart. - Sometimes they can be found in the camping section and sometimes in the paper plates isle. 

 Pull out the box and empty the loose matches. 
Then carefully unfold the box, lay flat and trace as shown above. 
You now have your shadow box pattern. 
I recommend tracing your pattern onto thin cracker like boxes. 
This is so your shadow boxes will be sturdy enough to hold your spooky scenes. 
You can paint the insides black before or after reassembling. 

As shown above, each shadow box base must not exceed  2 ½" x 5" and a 1" depth. 
(that's pretty close to the original matchbox size.)

Determine if your scenes will be vertical or horizontal.
Make sure all your elements are firmly glued in place before shipping. 

I have created a Inspiration board with Halloween Shadow Box idea's here.
Looking for other idea's as to what you can make or use for your scene miniatures?
 Click here !

How many people that sign up for this swap 
will determine how many boxes you need to make.

Please make all your scenes using the same focal point or main character. 
(example: if one of your scenes scene includes a witch, then put her somewhere in each scene- Stirring a pot, casting a spell, flying on a broom,...It doesn't have to be the exact same witch, just the same character/focal point.) 
 Like a running story board. You can also use a skeleton, a zombie, a vampire, a ghost dog, a bubbling cauldron,  a graveyard, a scary movie poster, a murder scene, bloody mask, bloody knives and so on ... 
The other elements can be whatever you have on hand but all your scenes 
need to have one universal theme. 

Each shadow box must include your name and info on the back along with 2 sturdy magnets.
This is so, when all the boxes have been received, they can be collectively displayed-
 (on any metal surface- fridge, file cabinet, a old cookie sheet, metal door...) 
to look like a Haunted house! 
Cool right? 

To sign up for this swap, you can send me a email or let me know via the  link below.

 Art Charms and Faerie Garden Miniature Swaps

I recommend joining our group so you never miss out  on new swaps or the sharing of creative idea's!

Signups start now and end on 8/22/2020

Head count and shipping details will be emailed 8/25/2020 

All shadow boxes are due no later than 9/25/2020

Please share!