
In a Nut~shell...

~~~~~Basically in a nut-shell, this is how my week is going.
1. Monday night felt extremely nauseous. Feared the worst. slept bad.
2. Tuesday Morning awoke not to sickness but to a visit from "Aunt Flo". Went early with
Dyllan to a orientation of "Wee little ones" something like pre-school that starts next Tuesday.
Ran errands all day.

3. Wednesday, up at 6:30ish, whip up a meal for 1st day back to MOPS, realized I'm missing a ingredient. Hope no one will notice.
*pack up Dyllan, my MOPS Mom craft, his snack my coffee cup and such.
*MOPS was fun and I did not bumble my part of the skit like I thought I would since I'm "skit-a-phobic", I just went 1st to get it over with.
No one really ate my dish. Including me. You see, I got stuck with the "vegetarian hot-dish" and we are "meat~aterians" at home.
They did not have time to do my craft with I slaved over the night before, getting everything just right in bags for each table, it was just name tags. I'll just have double the craft next week when we decorate folders.
Speaking of crafts- the 1st 21 are the generic crafts, but after that, I'll be teaching the girls more along my style, I just have to remember that some of the Mom's are scissor and glue challenged.
4. Came home. Put Dyllan down. I ate cheese and crackers, hardly had the energy to even read any blogs, much less post something. Took a nap too.
* Aaah much better, nap did me good.
5. Thursday is studio cleaning time
6. Friday I help out with kids crafts at my friends MOPS, which happens to be at the same church I did 1st communion all through CCD, way back then. I get paid for it and I get to bring Dyllan.
7. Will finish up on dead line looming swaps, shop for a B-day party for a Sat., Help a Mom friend move closer to me, Yea! , on Sunday.
~ And that's it for now.
Just plugging away organizing the studio while Dyllan plays downstairs.

1 comment:

  1. michelle, i'm tired just reading all that you were doing! loved the comment on "some moms being scissor and glue challenged" - aint that the truth. especially when it comes so easy to us! and your veggie dish - ick - did you even eat it? i agree, we are meat eaters over here!


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