
Funny Stuff

~Today Dyllan and I went to Walmart for a few things after Pre-school. I kept on trying to go down isles in the store but people were blocking moving spaces with their carts. So finally braving a isle to make a short cut, and only to discover no space to go, again, Dyllan shouts from the cart ( he likes to sit in the big roomy part) "Move people! Move!"

The two ladies looked up and I stumbled a apology as I pushed their carts aside to get through.

I used that rudeness as a consequence to not a get him a "toy" even though I wasn't planning on getting him a toy either way!


  1. Hi, I found you through rosespetitemaison.

    I couldn't help but smile at your son telling the people to move ;0)

    Racheal x

  2. That's too funny! Olivia once told a crying child in the next cart to stop crying and eat their crackers. According to my mom, I spanked a kid when I was little because they were touching things in the store.

  3. your story reminds me of Colin's first rude comment - telling a rather smelly man to take a shower... fortunately, the man thought he said something about flowers...

  4. I love it Michelle!! Sometimes I feel like shouting the same thing.
    People just don't know how to move so you can get by. I always do.
    Thanks for the funny story,


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