
Seems so long ago

Having a better day today and am in the process of finishing up on past due projects plus a multitude of blog post. Here's one from a friend that would be fun for everyone to play along!
Body: Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school!
The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!!
~1. who was your best friend? Kaori Ota and Ladawna Williams
~2. What sports did you play? Tried out for Basketball, was alittle to butch for me.
~3. What kind of car did you drive? no car yet, hung on for dear life in the back of a pick up for rides home.
~4. On a Friday night what were you doing? Parties with friends
~5. Were you a party animaL?Not till after High School
~6. Were you considered a flirt? A little
~7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? nope
~8. Did you ever skip class? Yes
~9. Were you a nerd? nope
~10. Can you still sing the fight song? Nope
~11. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr.Kerhoulas
~12. Where did you sit during lunch?With my girlfriends at our usual table. same place, same time.
~13. What's the school's full name? San Clemente High School
~14. School mascot/team? Tritons
~15. School colors? black/red/white
~17. Did you go to senior prom? Yes
~18. Did you have any secret crushes? yes, the captain of the basket ball team, and this other guy that was on the wrestling team.
~19. What did you do after graduation? went to jr. college, got a job.
~20. Where did you go senior skip day? I think we went to the beach, or the park...
~22. Were you in any clubs? nope
~23. Have you gained some weight since then?duh
~24. Who was your Senior prom date? Darren Traihan
~25. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? Went to the 10 year and missed the 15 year I'll definately go to the 20 year!
~26. Who was your homeroom teacher? Mrs Zimmerman
~.27. Who will repost this after you? ??
~28. Who was your high school sweetheart? none
~30. Do you still talk to people from high school?Yes some of them
~31. Did you win prom queen or king? Too shy to compete
~32. Where did you work at in high school? Did not get a job till after HS
~33. What were your grades?Passing
~34. Any awards? Senior year I walked away with the Poseidon award for arts and ceramics.
~35. If you could go back and do it again, would you? If I could take with me what I know now, Yes.


  1. That's funny. High school memories. sigh. I still have the same 2 best friends from high school.


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