
It's a Wonder...

~ It's a wonder how we all survived with all these safety regulations in children's toys and furniture. Yes, this is me here. Do you remember these saucers? I remember how fast I would go on the linoleum until I hit carpet, and over I would pitch. Also look at my cool toy attached, simple and non-complex unlike the stuff we see today.
Like the extra padding to hold me in?

The following pic's are of my Mom.
Do you notice her "stroller" and far they've come today?
( click on any pics for detail)


  1. I remeber them too. I think we called them walkers. There didn't really seem to be any problems with them.Sometimes I think we have too many regulations put on life.

  2. i am loving those baby pictures of you and your mom!!! they are so very sweet:)

  3. great pictures, thanks for sharing

  4. I love those classic baby picks. Your mom's stroller reminds me of the carts the carts the seniors drive in the grocery store.

    You stinker. :) Thanks for the tag. I'll have to think up some random stuff and post tomorrow.

  5. I can't believe how much Dyllan looks like you did when you were little. Your mom looks the same as well.

    As for Raves, you (we) danced everywhere. Remember limon (shudder) Bacardi? Think about all the cash we blew at those rinky dink carnivals over on Junipero Serra.

  6. Buffi- I do remember those carnivals that you held on to for dear life not because it was scary, but because you could hear it coming apart! I miss those days!

  7. Geez Michelle! I just got better! I did it though!

  8. What darling pictures of you and your mom! What a cuddley thing you look like in that baby-mover! =)

  9. OMG...soooo true...I remember when we even rode in the back of the family station wagons with our heads hanging out the back window...never ever used a seatbelt.....even as a teen I remember piled up with lots of friends and riding in the back of pickup trucks! How times have changed.

  10. These photos are absolutely adorable!
    Sandra Evertson


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