
Rogers's Gardens

~Last Saturday, Dyllan and I were supposed to participate in a community parade. But I got sick, (again) on Friday and could not see myself pulling Dyllan in a decorated wagon for 2 hours.
So I suggested to the hubby for us to have lunch at Fashion Island and to stop off at
Rogers Gardens for a look see. Brian watched Dyllan out in the garden area, Dyllan being entranced by a electrical train, while I purused, dreamed of fairytales and took lots of pics to share with the rest of you! I also left my wallet in the car, on purpose. ;)

~ So enjoy, feel inspired and click on every pic for beautiful details!







  1. Oh my goodness! EVERYTHING is soooo sparkly and pretty! Thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos!!!

  2. oh yummy!!! i always wanted to go there...thanks for taking me:)

  3. I used to live in Orange County! It was so fun to read your blog entry and remember old familiar haunts. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are feeling better now.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. Wow, what a beautiful place to visit.

  5. I haven't made my way over to Roger's Gardens yet. I went last year and loved it. Tonight we went light looking in Naples, Long Beach. It was great. If you go, bundle up. It's cold on the water.

  6. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! yes leaving the wallet in the car was a good idea... don't know that I would be able to contain myself!

  7. I love stores like that, every corner you turn there's something wonderful to look at

    wanted to let you know about the mushroom ornament tutorial I saw on craftzine, thought you might be interested, here's the link


  8. sorry, the address got cut off

    just go to www.poopscape.com

    and scroll down, should be the second image

    ignore the strange name of the site

  9. Wow Michelle,
    I love that place. I see why you left your wallet in the car.

  10. One of my favorite places!
    Especially at Holiday time...


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