
Resolutions and a giveaway!

~ The studio is coming along nicely, although I think I'll be sorting and re-sorting my stash for months to come! I don't have any pics to show now but will post some by the end of the week.

Last night, New Year's eve was quite un-eventful. We had Lucille's take out at home, I sat with Dyllan on the couch "trying" to organize some stash but it proved to impossible with a active toddler hanging on to your every move. About 10 pm, Brian broke out the bubbly; sparkling apple cider for him and Dyllan and the korbel for me. I swear I must be getting really old when a few sips of the bubbly and I'm ready for bed! I'd also had a really long day with "the Dyllan" and my body is not in the dance club shape that I so miss!

I watched the ball drop with Dick Clark and could not believe how old he was, and how gone the "pep" was in his voice! Is Ryan Sea Crest the "new" Dick Clark? At least his hair was normal last night.

I stayed up till 1 am watching re-runs of America's next top model and then promptly fell asleep on the couch till 2 am.

Today we plan on visiting Brian's Mom, Susan for a bit before taking a stroll on Aliso Creek Beach. There is just something so healing about the sound of the ocean waves.

Am I rambling? sorry.

Here are my new years resolutions:

1. Keep my studio organized
2. Stay on top of art projects and deadlines
3. Learn to use my sewing machine again
4. Keep in touch with family
5. Keep the house cleaner, or better picked up
6. Try every art idea at least once
7. Smile more, inside and out
8. Ride my bike
9. Learn tap dancing
10. Take up yoga

Now for the giveaway:
Post your new year resolutions here and get in the running to recieve one of 8 Art Packs full of patterned paper, clip art, embelleshments and more!
I will do the drawing's at the end of the day on 1-08-2008!
~(Please make sure your blogger profile is not set as private, so you may be reached in the case that you win! You can also post your e-mail too! )
I'm using these packs as prizes for my scrapbook group as well as being sold in my shop.

So happy posting!


  1. happy new years!!!
    my new years resolutions, is to have a hysterectomy!!!
    no more periods!!

  2. Happy New Year Michelle.
    New Years Resolutions
    1 - make time to create more
    2 - occassionaly have some 'me' time
    3 - be more healthy and lose some weight

  3. I really only have one-to run a fall marathon either in NYC or Chicago.

    FIrst I have to actually get off this chair, and off a treadmill as its not fun running for miles and miles on a treadmill. But the outside is cold and ugly and unsafe with 10 inches on the ground.

    think they would let me run rings thru the mall without buying anything? I hate the mall.

  4. Happy New Year Michelle!!!

    my resolution is to stop procrastinating...i start tomorrow:)

  5. Happy New Year Michelle!!
    Sounds like a fun night anyway.
    We stayed home and watched movies.
    I don't usually make resolutions, but I do want to keep my art studio more organized as well as my pantry.
    By the way, you will love tap dancing.

  6. Happy New Year, Michelle! I don't make new year resolutions. Instead, I have a one word theme each year. My theme for 2008 is forward.

  7. My resolution is to use up more of my paper stash, and send the mounting pile of cards I've made. Thank you cards for Christmas presents would be a start.
    I don't usually make a resolution as I don't keep it, but I think this is achievable.
    Thanks for the offer.

  8. Happy New Year! I'll play for this sweet giveaway.
    My resolution is to..
    Do some challenges
    Try to use more of my stamping stuff instead of running out to buy it. (My room is looking like I collect it)
    Thanks for a chance.

  9. My resolutions for 2008 are:
    1. start to run: 5 km in 10 weeks
    2. make min.1 layout each week
    3. buy less scrapbookstuff, because I really bought too much this last month.
    I'm positive about the first 2, but not sure if I can keep the third one.

  10. I don't usually make resolutions, but I want to keep my pseudo-studio (living room) clean and organized, promote the hell out of my shop, and snag an elusive treasury on Etsy! :)

  11. This year I'm going to work on getting to know my older brother better. He is 15 years older than me and left home when he was 18 so I never really got to know him well.

  12. Happy New Years , My resolutions Should be easier this yr ...Im gonna try to make sure I make a few cards a week , and with everything I buy use it before buying something else (bad Habit)
    and Lose a few pounds and try to conceive a 2008 baby!!!!!

  13. Happy New Year!
    I guess putting your resolutions on paper might be more effective than just keeping them in your mind, so here are some:
    1.- Read my Bible every day
    2.- organize my time better
    3.- Write in a journal daily (if possible)
    4.- Spend more time creating
    And I think I could keep on going and going and I would get overwhelmed with all I could do. So I will start with these

  14. Mine are:
    Lose weight, exercise more, do more for others, worry less and try to smile more.

  15. Happy new year!
    My resolutions this year are the 'world peace' of all resolutions..to get more exercise and lose weight, eat healthy and be really positive in each thought.
    And to actually get around to posting everything that I make.


  16. Happy New Year to you, Michelle!
    As for resolutions...I rarely make'em any more 'cause I never can manage to keep 'em...but if I did...here are a few wishes I have for 2008. Stay focused on my glittery work, lose weight and exercise (I really do walk 3 miles a day on most weekdays), and be the best Mom & wife I can be.
    Wishing you and yours all the best in 2008!

  17. I try not to make resolutions, since they seem to be a recipe for failure for me, but I do have a couple of things that I'm working on. I want to concentrate on my scrapbooking (MINE, not for my SU business), and try to get more organized around the house.


  18. Happy new year!!!

    1- potty training my daughter
    2- build house in IND
    3- join design team
    4- lose little weight


  19. Have a great 2008, Michelle!

    My New Year's Resolution is to lose 10 pounds and organize my stamping/scrapping stuff.

  20. My new year's reslution is to spend more time on the important things.

  21. My new years resolution is to convince my hubby to buy me a treadmill? Hmmmm? What do you think???? LOL
    Thanks for the chance.

  22. my new year's resolution is to exercise more! (i make this one every year... ahahhah)

    thanks for the chance to wiN! :)

  23. 1. Completely clean and organize my craft room.
    2. Buy a Cricut Expression machine
    Linda Peterson

  24. AWESOME prize!! I am going to: 1. submit my work for publication, 2. join a design team, 3. not spend any money on crafts and then donate the money I saved to the Crohn's and Colits Foundation.

  25. Happy New Year!
    My goals are to get more sleep and have more balance in my life, and organize more so hopefully I will create more and send out more RAK's. I'd like to get out walking again to 3k a day.
    I'll second Jessi's too! LOL;
    Thanks so much, ;)

  26. Happy New Year to you!
    This year I resolve to:
    1. Be creative everyday
    2. Lose weight
    3. Become more organized
    4. Go for daily walks
    5. Stop procrastinating

  27. I never take resolutions serious so quit making them years ago. But one thing I really need to do is use the stamps I buy. I'll bet I have about 1/2 of them that I haven't used yet.

  28. I'm resolving to
    1. Organize my house to to bottom.
    2. Make more friends.
    3. Be kinder to others
    4. Think less of my opinion
    5. Spend less time wanting what I don't have and more time enjoying what I do have.
    6. Make no promises/resolutions that I can't keep

    Pretty easy ones to follow. Happy New Year.

  29. Great idea! Happy new years!
    My resolutions for the new year:
    1.work out regularly
    2.eat healthier
    3.make more time for crafting and just for me
    I'll stop there, don't want to put too much pressure on myself!
    Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway!

  30. Hi Michelle, I had tears in my eyes when I saw Dick Clark new years eve! It broke my heart to see him that way!
    My prayers are with him....our new years eve will not be the same without him!

    My NY resolution isssss.....
    I don't usually make resolutions just a wish list for myself But I will for you....hmmmmm.... to get organized and re-do the frontroom and dinning room my way not the previous owners way!


  31. Okay, I don't have a blogger or a google account, but my resolution or life list is to learn how to Salsa Dance and dance in the new year of 2009 in some Latin Country!

  32. I hope you had a wonderful New Year! And I know how hard it is to get ANYTHING done with a toddler, let alone just organzing craft space! heehee

    I thought the exact same thing as you when I watched Dick Clark... I wondered whether they are grooming Ryan Seacrest for Dick's job. hmmm

    I just announced the next craft challenge on my blog if you are interested. =)

  33. Wonderful resolutions! I have lots of resolutions this year including finishing organizing the studio! My two little kids keep "helping" me so it's been taking quite a while :)

  34. Just one for me: to procrastinate less.

    I make this one every year, though, so my chances of actually achieving much don't look so good.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  35. i'm going to be blunt here - my new years resolution was to deal with my husband's drinking issue. how's that for a doozy?


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