
Spring Charm Swap 2008

Last year I hosted a charm swap through a Fiskateer group I'm in.
This year I want to extend the invite out to my blog friends as well!
~Below you'll find the mini- treasures that people came up with! Some are quite simple, others hold a memory of lost loved one. They are all unique and well worth the swap!
Shrink plastic is fun to work with!
Scrabble anyone?
Great use of a large brad and playing card image.
Vintage images work well too.
Some are easy, some are complex.

In memory of a Mother
Paper bead, using a clasp to make a charm!
Inspiration from Art and the hardware store!
Anything is possible!
For some more "Charming Inspirations" Please visit the following:

Now for the details:

Dead line to sign up: Friday Feb.15th or when max amount of (15 participants) has been reached.

  1. The charms should be Sturdy! This means using either a key-ring (12mm split ring for example) style connector or a clasp (lobster claw for example) connector. Charms tend to snag so make sure yours won't fall to pieces if that happens! Try to keep them no bigger than a bottle cap...any bigger would be impractical as a charm.

  2. You are not required to use yours for jewerly, some have been added to shaddow boxes, a dress form or pinned to a cork board for eye candy!

  3. The theme is SPRING! Think birds,nest, feathers, flowers,vintage, anything nature or 'involving' a new birth.

  4. International is more than welcome to join!

  5. Shipping: All charms will be sent to me Post dated no later than Friday March 7th, this is including a small sum or postage to ship your collection back to you, any unused $ will be shipped along with your charms.

  6. When you package your charms,- I cannot stress enough, that your best bet is a small bubble mailer, if you must use an envelope, Please reinforce it with tape. Through the process of mailing, charms tend to break free and get lost.
~Please Copy my side bar bracelet to promote this swap on your blog! This bracelet won 2nd place at the County Fair last year! I used shrink plastic and found beach items to make the mermaid treasure!
You may comment here, but to sign up, please e-mail me @ altered-art@hotmail.com
your Name, Address, Blog and or web site.
~Not required to have a blog.


  1. Sweet! that already puts the head count at 4 so far!

  2. These charms are so cute...and when you think of how small they are...wow. I just need a bigger canvas.

  3. i want to sign up! how fun!

  4. What a great idea! Sounds like fun, but February is going to be kinda busy for me. Do we each need to make 25 charms? I'll see what I can do and let you know if I'm able to participate (I hope I can)! =)

  5. Wow! you've been busy since I last visited! This sounds fun! I'll send you an email. Gorgeous eye candy in your blog today!

  6. Michelle, I have been waiting for your charm swap to come around again! Please count me in. I am also going to send this message again through the Fiskateer site. Thanks,I can't wait to get started! Valerie Myers

  7. I signed up earlier & am already having visions of sugarplums - er - Spring charms dancing through my round head! This will be my first charm swap & I look forward to it!

  8. Hi. My name is Michelle. (Hi Michelle!) and I am addicted to charm swaps!

    Please count me in if there's still room!!!!

    I have two charm bracelets from swaps and a third one is on it's way! Must.Have.More!



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