
7 (weird) things that I Love

7 "weird" things that I love

  1. Bacon. I especially love it cold and crunchy.
  2. I love to peel dried glue from my hands.
  3. That I believe any mistake or flaw in my art just adds character.
  4. The swish swish sound of my thighs rubbing together when I wear courdiroy pants.
  5. Going potty by myself.
  6. Listening to Dyllan crack him self up
  7. People watching.

I will pass the love for weirdness on to: Michelle Geller


  1. Eeee! How fun!!! I'll get to work on this one! Thanks! :-)

  2. There's an Amish tradition that only god can make a perfect creation, so Amish quilters will make a deliberate mistake in their quilts (like turning one block upside down) lest the Almighty think they're getting uppity. I like to use that excuse when I make a mistake in a project.

    And any parent of a small child knows how blissful going potty by themselves is.

  3. Your list is pretty funny Michelle.
    We all have our things.

  4. This was interesting!! I used to do that with glue when I was a kid -- really great with the Elmer's white glue - I loved looking at the whorls and swirls from my skin!!

  5. OO, Michelle what a fun list! I also enjoy the woosh woosh sound corduroy makes. Cracks me up! lol

    I r'cvd your most wonderful squares... they just make me smile! :) I picked your pkg up yesterday evening however I think it might have showed Saturday afternoon but they closed by the time I got there. I wanted you to know your squares are safe & sound. I'm taking a moment to upload them to our parade, check back in later today.

    I took the whole week off to work on our doll- last night was the first night I dreamed of the squares. -LAUGHS-

    It is a pleasure working on this doll with YOU. Thank you!

    And thanks so much for the surprise gift, I'll wear my square with honor.

    Happy day to you! See you on the 17th when I upload the latest progress. xo, Monica


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