
Today I am 35

~ Today, on February 13, I am 35.
Here are 35 random "facts" about me.

  1. My middle name is "Frae"
  2. The movie "King and I" started my whole fashion design craze.
  3. I believe the 2nd impression is more true than the 1st impression.
  4. I have a Rapridograph set and I know how to use them!
  5. I write poetry
  6. I love to draw,doodle,paint, sculpt....
  7. I dream of having my illustrations put to a rubber stamp line and fabric.
  8. I own a sewing machine but sew by hand because I forgot how to use the machine.
  9. Doing things with my hands is theraputic for me.
  10. When I garden, I don't wear gloves. I love to feel the dirt.
  11. I collect vintage purses.
  12. In my dreams, I love to fly.
  13. I prefer dark chocolate.
  14. My eyes are blue with yellow specks.
  15. I love shabby chic but not country crock
  16. I do love country music, swing, techno, house and "spa" music.
  17. I procrastinate, alot.
  18. I believe in Karma
  19. I save tissue and gift wrap from presents..I like to reuse.
  20. I can't paint or draw people.
  21. But I can illustrate them.
  22. My mind is always in constant motion
  23. Cock roaches freak me out
  24. I used to model
  25. I love to sing out loud
  26. I've never had a best friend
  27. I used to rock climb... with out ropes.
  28. I was a beach babe and even body surfed for awhile.
  29. I played pool for fun and for "real"
  30. I always "knew" I'd be a artist
  31. I'm a pack rat
  32. I have all my old journals, except one.
  33. I love museums
  34. I don't like liver,pickled beets and sherbet
  35. I love the sound of the ocean.


  1. Happy Birthday Michelle:) i hope all of your wishes come true and that your day is very special!!!

  2. Michelle have a wonderful day.
    Happy Birthday

  3. happy birthday to you!
    have a great one

  4. Hope you have a Fabtabulous Birthday.

  5. Happy Birthday, Michelle. Love that baby picture.


  7. Happy Birthday Sister-Friend!!!!

    Now you are almost as old as Me!!!!


  8. You make such beautiful jewelry! So glad I found your blog.

    Hope you have a Happy Birthday.

    Stop by sometime if you get a chance.


  9. Happy Happy Birthday!!! Hope your special day was wonderful and full of all things good!!!

    And what a fun list to read :) It was wonderful to learn such interesting things about you!

  10. happy birthday! la la la la la de da (i'm singing...........) hope it was a good one!
    xoxo kEcIA

  11. Wishing you a Happy Day and an Exciting year. And how, my dear, could you not like pickled beets????

  12. Happy Birthday!!! HOpe you had a great one!
    BTW, I sent you an email a while back with my info for the swap. LMK if you didn't get it. {{{{hugs}}}}

  13. Interesting! Happy Birthday, and a Happy Valentine's Day too.


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