
I've been tagged!

I had to share this photo with you. I knew as soon as I took Dyllan's pic,
that he meant for black and white!

~ I've been tagged by, Kristin Hubick of Retro Cafe' Art!
She has a amazing blog and even better, an amazing on-line shop, please check her out!

~So here we go!
The rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six weird things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six others. And let them know they've been tagged!

Okay, so here are my weird, random things:

1. Along with kristin's love of pickles,
I love how the exhaust fumes from old school buses remind me of pickles.

2. As a SAHM, living on one income, I learned the right way from a facialist how to do my own deep pore cleasaning. In other words, I squeeze my nose pore's once a month to get the dirt out!
3. When I used to go to the movies all the time, (before being a SAHM),
I'd buy a pack of fresh Red Vines and use them for a edible straw in my soda!

4. The longest I've gone with out a shower is...10 days!

5. I can hold ladybugs and worms in my hand (I like to garden), but let a cockroach anywhere near me and I'll probally faint.

6. At night, so as not to bother anyone when I'm watching TV, I put it on mute and "read" what they are saying instead! Works great for scary films, cause' then I don't have to listen to the creepy music!

So now I would like to tag:
Cristal, Jo Ann, Cathy, Irma, Karla, and Heather.

~ Be sure to check out these wonderful blogs!


  1. I agree about roaches!

    Thanks for tagging me.

  2. Hi Michelle. Thanks for the tag. :) I'm enamored by that perfect house. That is a lot of stamps!

  3. Dyllan is adorable!!!!
    As for the cockroaches, In college I had a pet Madagascarian hissing cockroach (you know the 3-4" kind) and it lived for 2 years! It started as project for my Etomology class. Now why didn't I think of that for my six things!

  4. Love the picture of your son. Red vines as straws, good idea never thought of that one~

  5. great photo of Dyllan!

    10 days?!?! Wow! :)

  6. i see ya tagged me! i'll respond to your tag in a bit, have to have a nap! lol

  7. Liv is swooning over the picture. You need to frame one for us so that she can have a picture of Dyllan in her room. He's so photogenic!

  8. Great photo and yes it looks great in Black and White. A fresh look on an almost forgotten trade.


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