

~ This is "Puppy".
He was recieved at Dyllan's baby shower and was introduced to Dyllan at birth. We celebrate his Birthday a few weeks before Dyllan's in July, complete with a hat, treat and present!
~ Life comes to a screeching halt if Puppy is not found. For varoius reasons, Puppy is now not allowed to leave the house, ever. There are substitutes stuffed toys for car riding or Costco shopping.

~ As you can see, Puppy is well loved.
He's washed once per month or as the Momma (that's Me) see's fit. Then his eyes and nose are re-colored in till the next cleaning.

~ I love how Dyllan loves his Puppy!


  1. Oh what a sweet little 'Puppy' that Dyllan has.
    Nothing like a well loved puppy

  2. awww, Puppy sure is darling. We have a version of Puppy here, known as Baby Koko. Baby Koko lives on a shelf now (now that my dillon is 15!) but i love all the memories of traveling with baby koko, etc. it sure goes by fast.

  3. I just loved your post! I had a cat who, believe it or not, had his own stuffed dog. If he couldn't be found, Rufus wouldn't sleep or eat or groom! After 10 days, I finally found Dog and Rufus was so exhausted he just sat down next to Dog and fell asleep! After that I always made sure to sight Dog daily!

  4. It's all about the Puppy!! Go puppy go..


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