
Craft Space Challenge Update!

Apparently if you create a draft, than go and add to it and post it, blogger does not post it as most current but as of the date you orginally started the draft! How strange.
Please go here if you'd like to get a sneak peek on the "challenged" rooms and read what the girls have to say so far...It's long.. but fun to see what your fellow bloggers have to say!


  1. Oh, this was such fun to read through and see all the answers to the questions! I liked reading about all the different storage system items people are using to get organized.

    I'm feeling very inspired to go to my studio right now and start cleaning up!

    Can't wait to see the studio transformations in the "after" photos!

  2. remember me from the Boutique at the Lutheran Church? I have an Etsy store now...you will recognize some of the things from then...I'll keep in touch.


  3. I checked out the pictures and enjoyed reading everyones answers as well. I've also enjoyed the emails you've been sending us. It seems like you're having a fun time with this.

  4. Hi Michelle.
    What a great RAK. Love your pendant
    I think I have learned I am spending too much time at my computer and less time on crafts.


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