
Happy Birthday Baby!

Only you are not a Baby anymore!
You are 4 today!
We love you and all that you do!
You have grown up so fast,
look at you GO...

~ Little ears and LITTLE toes.

~ Quite the CHARMER

~ Look at those darling "BLUE EYE'S"

~And that infectious LAUGH!

~Always ready for some FUN!

Our very own ROCK STAR!

~ Full of WONDER

You make us GIGGLE...




Our very own BEACH BUM






Our Little 4 YEAR old!

We LOVE you so!
For MORE of Dyllan, please go HERE and HERE!


Still Time to Win...!

~ At the end of this Month, I will pick a winner from 2 seperate drawings.
The first will be my monthly Blog giveaway for a Altered Journal ~similiar to the one above but NOT THE SAME.
If you would like a chance to win a journal...please go here.
~ Now below me you can see some lovely napkin ring holders I made for the Goddess of Craft Blog giveaway.
4 are show but 6 will be given away!
For a chance to win these, please go here!

~ Remember, at the end of the month I will be doing the drawings....Good luck!


Happy Belated 4th!

~ This last 4th of July, we spent time at Brian's folks house for swimming in the pool and seeing Dyllan experience his very first slip n' slide!
Then went home for a very short nap and on to a friends house for back yard fun, dinner and Fireworks shot off from a local country club golf course.
Here's Dyllan in a patriotic shirt I dyed for him. I made a blue and white one for myself.

I love twilight. It always seems like such a magical time of the day.

The fireworks were amazing and quite possibly the best yet. Dyllan even un-plugged his ears half way through to fully appreciate them. He seemed to enjoy them more when he could hear them and occasionally jumped from the loud bangs while sitting in my lap.

Grand Finale.


Happy Lime Day!

~ Did I ever tell you that I love limes?
Well I do!
I love the way the blossoms smell before they turn into ripe limes.
I have a bears lime tree in a pot too small.
I hope to plant it in some thing bigger soon, so instead of calling it my lime bush...
I can call it my margarita tree!
I use limes in homemade salsa, Mojito's, margarita's, squeezed over papya's and fresh salad,
2 in my Corona and so much more!
Feel free to use this back ground image for what ever you wish!
Oh...and happy Lime Day!


Etsy Shop Giveaway!

My good and personal friend Susan of Red Bess Bonney is having a shop give away,
actually this is the 3rd week in a row that she's given away some delight from her corner of Etsy!
Check out how you too can win here!
Good Luck!


~Faerie's & Mermaids~ of Etsy!

~ Etsy has been good to me this month and I'm happy. Thank you all who have told someone you know about my shop! And because I believe in good Karma...I'm passing some on by sharing with you some of my favorite Faerie and Mermaid's shops on Etsy!




Art & Accents