
All day fun

~ Last Saturday, the 6th, I went to a all day crop with my good friend Teresa. I just found out that her husband landed a new job which means she won't have to move back to New York any time soon! Good friends are hard to come by, especially ones that really "get" you!

Until I went brunette, we were practically twins!

(look how cute she is!)
~ One of my Fiskateer friends host this crop once per month and it's a nice chance to catch up, plus - we get our own 8' table!

~ Here's a project that took up most of my time. It's a wooden tray that I painted, then mod pauged little squares that I hand punched and hand distressed. It still needs some paint touch up's and a few more coats of MOD. It's a gift for my Mother in Law since she uses a walker that has a place for a tray to hold things as she moves about the house.

We took a close to my heart class hosted by a super nice lady. This is what we made for only $5!
Totally fun!

This one is mine...can't wait to add photo's!

Here's my front...

~ and here's Teresa's

~ Since it was a Christmas themed crop, we also brought a wrapped gift for a gift exchange.
I got this! Way cool!

Lauri was doing a bingo all day, giving out prizes to everyone who yelled "bingo" till everyone had won.
I got this cute kit, perfect for crafting with Dyllan and Teresa got one too, but with more girly colors which was perfect as she has a girl.

~ Here's what Teresa scored from her gift exchange!

~ we had a potluck, muchin all day on ham, turkey, salads, (I brought meatballs in a crock pot) sweets and fun!

They encourage people to bring stuff to sell, or give away and there is always this one gal that brings Scrapbook stuff marked down. For Christmas...everything was an additional %50 off!
I got the above prima flowers for $3 each!

~ And I "scored" on these chalk inks for 1 stinkin dollar each!

So overall, it was good to get away and be with good friends.


  1. That sounds like soooo much fun. I wish I could find something like that around here.


  2. That looks like such a fun day!!!
    THANK YOU for all the little tickets! :D I now have an urge to hand them out around town or ask people for their tickets. Possibly charge them for something as well. Hmmm. Or I should just stick to mixed media art :)

    I just saw your incredible fairy furniture :o I'd buy it all if I weren't lacking funds atm. My fairies will have to keep flying for a while and just sit on bookshelves etc.

  3. Sounds like you guys had sooo much fun!

  4. Looks like and sounds like you had a lot of fun. When I first saw the tray I thought it was made of real tiles. Can't tell it's paper at all!


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