
This is why I got a Honda CRV.

Years ago before Dyllan was born, I bought my first "New" car. This one. A Honda CRV. I wanted something to take off roading and to be able to put bikes in the back. Looks like I got my wish...

There's a natural park near my house where we go for nature walks and now bike rides. The pavement is wide enough for Dyllan who's still learning to ride with his (noisy) training wheels.

Here we are taking a snack break.

At the end of the wide pavement is a more narrow bumpy trailed shared by hikers, runners and mountain bikers. The trail leads all the way to the ocean.

What a fun day. The view was beautiful and the "Whoo-hoo!" sounds of Dyllan coasting back down the road was music to my ears.


  1. How sweet and fun! Enjoy these times as much as u possibly can, it's fleeting. It's all about the joy.

  2. That looks like such fun!! I hope to try it with my girls this year. Thanks for the peak into your adventure!
    Jenn J

  3. You sure take a lot of fun side trips. It's nice that you make sure to get those little things into your schedule. Dyllan will remember forever.

  4. That looks like so much fun and you are such a cool Mom. . . .thinking I need to see if my bike even works any more.


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