
Big Trees and Angels

Last month we went away for a week up north and one of the places we always visit is Big Tree's State Park!
They have some of the tallest trees around and it's so beautiful and quiet.
(((Please "click" on ANY photo for a close-up!)))

~ In this next shot, I was surprised to see that I captured what appears to be an Angel.

2 seconds later...nothing.

But then on the next frame, I get this...and it appears that Dyllan is watching it. (I was not aware of any of this till I saw the images on the computer later)

After taking a few shots of Dyllan, I snapped off a few more at the trees roots as I was "drawn" to their beauty...

It seems, whatever I captured started to dissipate upwards till it was gone.
What a visual treat!

Here we are enjoying our picnic lunch with a few friends....

Brian caught a shot of me sitting on a unique bench, viewing the worlds tallest tree.
then I got a quick shot of Brian and Dyllan inside a olden days drive through tree.

This little guy scared the willies out of Dyllan when he went to throw away some trash.

Hope you enjoyed the photo's!

***~Please come and visit my 2nd blog..., Art and Life by Michelle Cummings
I posted about 4th of July on that one!


  1. Hi, Certainly looks like an angel was watching over you. You never know when they are near. Great photos. Please check my blog too. I will return soon

  2. O MY GOSH I sure did I have always wanted to come and see these trees thank U for taking me along HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!
    I so sorry the spyder scared him tell him My sister is terrified of them too..

  3. I was wondering what Dylan saw it looks like some spirit was watching over you and yours.

  4. What a great place for a visit. Those trees are sensational

  5. wow what a beautiful Place.These trees are really mind blowing.


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