
Mad Hatter Winners and Giant Wish Faeries!

Last night we arrived from our 5 day family vacation up in Glencoe which is in Calaveras County, CA. It was so blazing hot! On average..105 degrees and the log cabin had no air conditioner or ocean breezes. But we had fun. I'm still tired as I suffered many bug bites during the trip. Over 20. I don't feel much like going through all 500+ pictures I took, not counting Brian's or Dyllan's...hope you forgive me! I promise to post all and everything with in the next two weeks!

If you are wondering what I'm holding...it's a "wish faerie" and both Dyllan and I were in heaven blowing and making wishes! They were huge! I finally got wise and on the 2nd to last day, grabbed a double zip gallon bag and filled it with wish faeries of all sizes...small to extra large! Brian looked at me like I was nuts...but I can plant them at will so Dyllan and I can enjoy the wishes and our Toirtoise can enjoy the dandelion greens!***

Now on the the Mad hatter Party winners...thank you all for coming by to visit and giving me the most helpful feed back for my shop! I'm so grateful!

Congratulations to the following....Michelle of Creative Writings 101 for winning the Paper Crown!
Carolee of King of Mice Studio's for winning the shop GC!

I will be posting the winner of June's craft book giveaway on the next post when I reveal July's giveaway!
Thanks again!


  1. Oh my gosh! You know, when I was little... my family used to call those feathery, floating, fuzzy seeds "fairies" as well!! I raised my kids thinking that they were magical and we'd always chase after them outside, catch them if we were lucky and make a whole lotta wishes when they were tiny!! :) The funny thing is, I've NEVER heard anyone else refer to them as "fairies". Wow, that's really neat and brings back such wonderful memories! Thank you for that! I'm really touched by this post- I wish that you could see me smiling! Isn't that silly?! :)


  2. I too had not heard them called that since I was a kid how cool that you enjoyed playing so and got your wish.

    Congratulations to the winner.

  3. LOVE your wish fairies Michelle! :)

  4. Wow - how huge that Wish Faeirie is. Your wish is sure to come true
    I have never seen such a big faerie

  5. "Open your mouth, and close your eyes, and you will get a big surprise!" We used to say this to the uninitiated and then stick the dandylion puff in their mouth! Kids are so weird!

  6. OMIGosh!! Thank you soooooooo much!! Doing the happy dance here and trying to choose carefully, hehe (so many beautiful goodies in your shop!)...

    (Apologies for the lateness of the reply, I've been swamped the last few days!)

    Your giveaway is truly generous, and I'm thrilled to have won!!

    Many thanks again!
    ~ Carolee

  7. I really thank for your wishes.Love u.........


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