
Where I Create & a Little Giveaway!

I'm sorry for my lateness in joining the party!
It's been a whirlwind of a week and only to get crazier!
I leave tomorrow for a few days at my Dad's with Dyllan. I'm taking Dyllan to San Diego's Comic Con on Sunday and we are stoked! Dyllan will be dressing as "Captain Rex" from Clone Wars and I will be a pink Mom. It's our first time going and I don't know what to expect so I just want to be comfortable. Ya know? So since I will be the keeper of snacks, liquids and what nots in my pink back pack, I thought I'd also wear my pink croc's-wanna-be's , a cute pink top, grey leggings, pink nails and a cute pink tiara. Next year I might attach Faerie wings to the back pack...we will see....
So as for the where Bloggers Create party hosted by My Desert Cottage, I'm sharing a few pics as to where I find my inspiration when I create.

~In the garden. I love to crush the herbs, lavender, basil, mint, oregano and my peppermint geranium in my fingers.
Their scent renews me. I, with a sketch pad in hand, create new wonders to make out of paper, wire or fabric.

Even though my green space is small, I let it over run, making it almost like a secret garden.

My Plumeria is almost in full bloom. I pluck one for my hair, enjoying the tropical scent while I continue my creative journey.

Look at this wee chair shaded by a over grown mushroom....

It's the start of my new Faerie garden... just a peek is all I can show for now,

In my studio, I have a little section to display my own and art by people I admire.

It keeps me happy and inspired. Those colorful boxes you see are "Scrapboxes" and they are waiting to be filled with paper treasures before being shipped off to some patiently waiting friends.
For the party...I'm giving away 2 newly made charms. I have some left over from a current swap I hosted (things with wings) more photo's to posted next week!

One person will win 2 charms. One itty bitty nest and one owl piece.
Just post here on this post and double your chance by popping over to my other blog as well!
I'll pick a winner when I return on Tuesday the 28th.
So there you have it. Hope you enjoyed the tour!

btw...Congratulations to Angellandspot for winning my last RAK!


  1. I love your garden. A secret so nice. How can I get there? Love to enter your givaway.

  2. Oh what sweet charms you've made! Sign me up please for a chance to win your giveaway. I've been thinking of doing a little fairy garden too and I love the chair with the mushroom canopy. Too cute!

  3. Hi there. I just love your blog. I finally figured out how to add new posts on mine. Anyway, I would love to be entered in the draw for a chance to win, I think those charms are just beautiful.

  4. I love the idea of scrap boxes. I have so much that I don't want to keep and would like to give to someone who would really use it and love it! I am going to start some right away and will give them away on my blog in the future.
    I will be back here to read more. Your little nests are DARLING! and I would love to have one. I will jump over to and leave a comment to double my chances.
    See you soon, Kim

  5. Love your secret garden. And a fairy garden. I dream of one day completing mine so the magical wee ones will visit more often.
    What an enchanting creative space.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Ooo! I love it all! from your secret garden and mushroom shade, all the way to your indoors creating space. and who wouldn't want to win such charming charms! (I DO!!!) please stop by to visit when you get a chance.
    :) Missy

  7. I love your garden...what a peaceful place to create..thanks for letting me visit...

    visit me at : deedeescraftspot.blogspot.com

  8. Your charms are beautiful Michelle! I would love to be entered in your drawing! What a lovely garden you have, I wish we could grow Plumeria here, I just love that scent!!

  9. I really love your garden. What beautiful flowers.. Sweet fairy garden.. Love your sweet charms. I would be happy to win.. If not, I am still happy. Thank you for sharing your treasures and garden. Keep Creating.

  10. Your garden is gorgeous and what an inspirational spot to sit and draw out your thoughts and creations.
    Count me in for your giveaway and the chance to win one of your lovely charms

  11. Hello Michelle,

    What a great tour! I love your charms...but then again I LOVE owls! :0) Have a great time on your trip..sounds like a blast.

    Please drop by to see my "studio in progress"..I've just recently moved into our home and have remodeling for almost three months...almost finished now. (I think)!! haha

    See ya,

  12. a tour of my studio would be sad at this point except for fabulous purchases I recently made from a certain Faerie dust seller :) but yours is very fun with lots to inspire and you are soooo very organized on top of it that i wondered if perhaps you'd like to come over for coffee and maybe er, um, help me with my closet???
    Have fun! xoxoxo Rhonda

  13. Hello
    Thank you for having us over and I enjoyed your blog so much...loved the garden.

  14. What a beautiful garden! I am so jealous mine is not nearly that great.

    I'd love to enter your giveaway, those nests are especially adorable :)


  15. Hi Michlle,

    I think getting together would be great! Aliso Viejo is not far and I have always wanted to meet some other bloggers. There are many here in So. Cal and it would be fun to have a get together. How could we organize that and invite people? Well let me know if you are interested and thanks for stopping by my studio for a look!

  16. What a fun space and inspiring too! Your garden is a slice of heaven to my eyes!

  17. Thank you for sharing your lovely inspiration!
    I have the beginnings of a wee faeree garden too..... Love them!!

  18. Love your space, and your garden is beautiful - my favorite is the tiny chair and toadstool! Thanks for sharing!

    :-) Molly

  19. Michelle, those charms are beautiful!

  20. Your garden is sooooo pretty! Love your creative space as well! Please enter me in the drawing for those gorgeous charms! I'll hop over and visit your other blog too! Fun!
    bunny hugs,

  21. I adore garden, chickee, since we are Californians now living in Idaho! I'm late in getting around but I'm going to visit each one of you all and I'm determined, sugar! Nice to meet you and view your spaces.......

  22. very cool space and very cool charms!

    now tell us about comic con! (i have some star wars fanatics of my own) :)



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