
Girls night out!

What better way to have a girls night out than at a magazine launch party hosted by the Art Bar for Stampington.com? Here I am with Lisa Guerin, I have not seen her since earlier this year aT CHA. You can that post here. We chit chatted a lot and as usual I'm in awe of her talent. She's the nicest and most down to earth artist I know!
I also met up with some Fiskateer friends, girls from my Scrapbook group and happened apon some fresh kindred spirits.

Here is Ruth Rae in action. Love the old sewing machine...
A inside peek of the things available for you to use when you come to "play" at the Art Bar!

Click here for Art Bar open studio onfo!


  1. This looks like a wonderful place. Is it a shop where you pay by the hour and project or what? How cool!


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