
Where have I Been???

Busy busy.
Well we got back from our Thanksgiving road trip on Nov. 28th.
On Tuesday Dec.1st I cooked a full fledged Thanksgiving meal for my small family of 3.
It was my 1st Turkey and everything came out just as planned except for the fact that Brian came home from work sick and could not taste or smell at all.
Then I came down sick too with a head cold that night.
The rest of the week was filled with WONDERFUL leftovers and no energy from being sick.
I posted here and there on FB, Fiskateers and of course on Tim Holtz blog.
He is doing the 12 tags of Christmas and giving away goodies daily!
Hop on over and see his wonderful tuitorials!

I'm all better now and getting back into the swing of things, prepping for a boutique this Saturday and hoping to decorate the house today for Christmas!
I'm behind in sending out RAKS, so if you are waiting for something...expect it around Christmas Day with a few extra goodies added to.... ;)
I have a extra ornament to give away if anyone is interested. (sorry no picture)
I've taken up prodding which is a 1800 century form of rug hooking and have a few leftover from a swap.

If you are interested...let me know here and I'll pick someone before my next blog post!
And last but not least...Congratulations to Sue Kruse of Cottage Way of Life for winning the Acorn Caps!

Till next time...stay warm and creative!


  1. Well hello there! :) Hopefully everybody is feeling better at your home now. YIKES! That cold/flu bug can be bad.

    That photo looks like a red reindeer. Is that what it is???

  2. Glad you are feeling better, this is no time to be sick is it? Hope your hand is okay too!

    I'm excited to be the winner of the acorn caps. They're just so cute!

  3. Hi Michelle, I have an extra ornament I made from a vintage ornament swap. Would love to swap ornaments with you if you like. Let me know. Happy Holidays! XOXO


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