
Felt Wee Folk by Salley Mavor

Imagine my surprise when after leaving a comment on this blog about the beautiful self portrait (above) that the actual artist would e-mail me back with a note of thanks!
Yes! None other than Salley Mavor!

She is the amazing artist behind all the enchanting creations in this book.
A friend of mine turned me onto it when she showed me some wee faeries she had made using Salley's technique.
It was love at first sight and I have been creating a few here and there to go with some new faerie chairs in the making...like the ones in (here) my shop.

I asked Salley how she originally became inspired to create, here's what she said~

"I believe that my mother, through her example, inspired me to see the world through the eyes of an artist. An artist herself, she created a home environment that was full of beautiful handmade things that she made herself or collected. She had incredibly good taste and an individualistic and folksy style. She spread her knowledge and skill not only within our family, but into the community at large. In our house materials and projects covered every horizontal surface. For our family, making things was a natural part of life. Today, I’ve noticed that my sense of well-being is very much tied to being engaged artistically.

There are so many ways to bring creativity into your life. In addition to working in my studio, I work in my vegetable and flower garden. I love all kinds of dancing, folk, contra, square and ballroom, which is a good relief from the sedentary activity of sewing. I sing all the time, but mostly in private, when I’m working in my studio. I like to bake bread and make pies, especially with decorative latticed crusts. My mother showed me that everything you do and every relationship you have can be a creative adventure."

To see more of her "creative adventures" please visit her blog here.
You will be simply entranced. Just the same as I was.

*No Connection, Unpaid, My Own Opinions

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen them before now Michelle but I am so loving them oh what an artist!


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