
You are Invited to a Alice in Wonderland Charm Swap!

In preparation of this much anticipated movie coming out on March 5th...I've been planning this charm swap since last year! And I so hope you'll join as it will be unlike any other charm swap I've hosted!

This will be my 5th hosted Charm Swap.
You can browse through past Charms Swaps HERE.
Sign ups start now.
I will accept up to 25 charm makers.
You may leave a comment here but you must also e-mail me ~ altered-art@hotmail.com with your name and mailing address.
Worldwide is welcome and you need to be 18 or older to participate.

You will need to make 25 +1 charms.
The plus one is for something I'll personally put together for a art submission.
Please be creative in making your charms!
Use fun supplies but be sure they are safe to wear or display.
There are so many interpretations of the story that you should have no problem finding inspiration!
Watch the movie, past ones, the new ones, read the book, see the cartoon...the creative possibilities are endless!

Your charm must have a ring or clasp attached.
Please do not make your charm out of paper, unless it is approved by me.
You can get idea's from my past swaps of what materials can be used~ shrink plastic, wire, bottle caps, rusty things, glass, clay, recycled, felt,soldered, fabric, buttons, beads, findings...
~Please make something that reflects the "Alice" or "Mad Hatter" in you, or any other character from the book...have fun with this!

Please enclose each charm in a small craft zip lock bag with your contact info (web site,shop,blog,e-mail....)
For the plus 1 charm, include what materials were used in the making of your charm,

Shipping and handling is $5 and can be paid by cash, check or paypal.

All charms are due in my hands no later than March 20th.
I will have them in the mail no later than the following Saturday.
Those participating will receive a themed goodies bag with their charm set.
Clip art, tokens, extra charms...:)

So what are you waiting for?
Sign up today!

Feel free to use the above button on your blog and link back to this post!

Update as of Feb.28th....
Participating Charm Makers~

1. Me!
2. Glenda Hart
3. Ashani Samuel (Fiskateer #4682)
4. Michelle Betaudier
5. Angela Hoffmann
6. Valerie Myers (Fiskateer #2226)
7. Bianca Gaspard (Fiskateer #1794)
8. Sue Kruse
9. Mahala Elliot
10. Victoria Sturdevant (Fiskateer #6939)
11. Sheri Leseberg
12. Charity Donaldson
13. Carol Hoffman
14. Connie Williams
15. Wanda Stivison
16. Melinda Nikkel
17. Diana Pohl
18. Dawn Freedain
19. Marissa Decepida Wong
20 Stacy Antonelle
21. Gemma Manzo
22. Sandra Geiger-Stivison
23. Gracie Rios
24. Barbara Moore
25. Shelly Rae Wood

***This swap is (CLOSED) and creating!!!***


  1. I think this would be a lot of fun and I want in.

  2. Howdie Michelle.
    I love being part or your soo fun swaps and I would love to join in this one too... Yippie!!

  3. I'll join the swap, sounds like a great way to celebrate the movie! I'll be emailing you shortly.

  4. I would love to join in on the fun! I'm off to email you.

  5. I'd love to join. I sent you a message with my info.

  6. I would but I just don't think I have enough time- I am so active with my local Surface Design Guild and we are doing our own Alice Challenge and I just don't have time to make all the things I need to now! Thank you so much for the kind invitation- I will come back to see what you all do with this next month! Happy Wonderlanding!
    xo, calamity kim

  7. michelle i would like to participate, but i need to know the deadline, i have alot going on right now,and need to see if i have enough time...thanks!

  8. So happy to be a part of this swap.I love, love, love your charm swaps and will be adding a link to my blog tonight.

  9. I have been waiting to get in on a charm swap! Count me in if you have room! Wanda

  10. Hello there! ooh we're all Alice crazy at the moment! Love it!


  11. Michelle, I would love to join this charm swap. Please count me in.

  12. Hi...I'd love to join this charm swap. Lately I've been working with polymor clay and think this would be fun.

  13. Okay....one spot left.....I'll take it!! :) I was pointed your way by a new friend, Vic. I simply adore Alice and charms.....Thanks so much.....email with my info is on it's way!!

  14. Nice effort, very informative, this will help me to complete my task.


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Your comments make my day! :)