
Disneyland Curiosities

The last time Dyllan and I went to Disneyland I needed to to find the place that had all those machines that crush pennies and we sorta got lost, but in getting lost we "discovered" some window's that stopped me dead in my tracks!

When you do down main Street and on the left are an assortment of shops that "look" separate, but are really connected...(easy to get turned around) ....in there is a upscale jewelry store with these windows. So many Nontraditional Disney window fillers that I just loved...

and across the hall was a toy store with these old vintage tin circus cars.

I did find what I was looking for, but this was a added bonus!


  1. That window has been there about a year. It's really pretty fabulous, isn't it? There's another similar window over in New Orleans Square to the right of the Blue Bayou just next to the Club 33 door.


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