
Jewelry Holder made with Crazy Tackz!

 I'm so excited to be sharing with you this amazing new product I came across! Its called Crazy Tackz.
A push pin tack with a twist. Imagine being able to hang things any where, any time. Just as I did here!
 I made this jewelry holder by covering two cork trivets and 2 empty tomato cans with decorative tissue and mod podge. Then I glued them all together and attached Crazy Tackz where I wanted to hang my jewelry.
 The best thing about using Crazy Tackz for this project is that I can rearrange the hooks or add  more as needed. I love how I can easily see my rings and earrings. :)
 Crazy Tackz can also be used to hang awards, calendars, keys and so much more!
Are you excited? See more Crazy Tackz idea's in these videos here.

I know you are thinking of how you can use these Crazy Tackz right now, right?
Maybe you have some cords that need to be contained, dog leashes to be hung? How about a "Welcome Home or Birthday" Banner?
Well, the folks over at Crazy Tackz are offering the readers of my blog a special.
If you purchase 3 packs or more from their website, you can save 20% of your entire order with coupon code: FDD20F
You can also get Free shipping on 5 packs or more!
What a sweet deal!
If you already use Crazy Tackz, I'd love to hear how you use them too!


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