
Lets make Dew Drop Hair Clips!

 If you are stuck on what to make friends and family this Holiday, how about some Dew Drop hair clips?
So easy to create and beautiful to wear!

To get started, you will need some hair clips, strong glue- I used Helmars 450, a white crayon or something to pick up the dews. A non-stick craft mat and Dew Drops!   
 For this particular demo, I used Sea Glass Tear Drops ans Silver Bells mini dews.
First tape your craft sheet onto another mat or work surface you don't mind getting glue on. Then clip your hair clips to the craft mat as shown. Working with 2 hair clips at a time, apply a ample amount of glue. Don't worry if any leaks onto your mat, when it drys you can rub it off.

Using the crayon to pick up the tear drops, place them firmly into the glue. Add a little glue to the top of the tear drops and add a few mini dews. After about 5 minutes, Carefully open up the clips and move them over to a cleaner part of the mat.
When you have finished with all your clips and they no longer are sticking to the mat, carefully clip them onto a wire rack. This lets air circulate underneath as you let them fully cure over night in a warm part of the house. Ideal room temperature 70* or more to fully cure. If your home is cooler, the glue will take longer to set. 
  Here are some more hair clips I made.
I especially love the ones that look like chili peppers!
I'm already planning who gets which ones...Teachers, friends, family and neighbors!
Here is the complete list of dew and tear drops I used:
Silver Bells , Sea Glass , Christmas Tree, Hyacinth, Poinsettia, Beaches, Metallic pink, Red,  and Metallic Silver.

Thanks for coming by...Happy Holidays!
~Michelle Frae Cummings

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty and so creative!!
    Look forward to getting to know you at TRN!!!


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