
Making Rubber Stamps from Embossing Folders!

  I belong to a card making group that usually meets at my home once a month. This month was my turn to host a demo. So I thought I would teach my friends (and you) how versatile Amazing Mold Putty is.
I demonstrated how to use embossing folders to make rubber stamps! It's fun to do after you have embossed your card or tag, then further accent it with a matching stamped image!

 To get started you'll need to mix equal portions of the "A" and "B" Amazing Mold Putty until you no longer see any white swirls and you have one uniform color yellow.

Make a pancake of your putty, about 1/4" thick. 
Then select your chosen embossing folder, open it up and gently press your pancake onto the non-raised design side. You want your putty to go into the design. Flip the folder over and look for air pockets under the putty, if you see any, you'll need to gently press the putty in place. Use a craft roller to smooth out any finger prints and make for a smooth finish for later.

 Let your putty set for about 15 minutes then remove easily from your folder. Neat huh?

 Here are some examples that the girls and I created. We just used basic distress inks. For a more precise image, chalk inks would work even better.

Also, for a more user friendly stamp, I would recommend to mount the Mold Putty stamps onto cling mounting foam. That way you can use them easily with a acrylic block. 

The rubber of The Amazing Mold Putty makes for easy clean up.
Just wipe with a damp cloth and you are done!

This can also be done with embossing plates and brass stencils. 

Thanks for coming by, and happy crafting! 
Don't forget to visit The Amazing Mold Putty blog for more creative idea's!

 -Do you love to create and work in 3D? Are you imaginative and think out of the box? Can you take crisp, clear yummy and enticing photos of your work? Then you could be one of our next group of "AMAZING" Guest Designers on the Amazing Crafting Products Creative Team. CLICK HERE for more details! DEADLINE is MAY 22nd.-

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