
Wax coated Autumn leaves

~It's here, today's the day and I'm very excited!
I'm also buzzing because tonight Dyllan and I are following our 3rd year tradition of the both of us dressing up in our costumes and meeting friends at Disney CA Adventure Halloween bash! It's a lot of fun and something I look forward to every year!

~ Then Saturday after breakfast, Dyllan and I will be heading out to my Mom's in
Borrego Springs, Ca. I used live there up until I was 10, Mom ended up retiring there and my little sister lives close by. Borrego is know as the largest desert state park in Ca. And also for their stunning wild flowers.
~ I'll be visiting until Monday afternoon. My main goal for going is to sort through my Mom's vintage Christmas stuff for something "special" that will be the base of a Christmas swap I'll be hosting through Blog land. Cant wait!
Now on to the FUN stuff!

~Here is my demo.
I actually had 2 but the pics did not do justice on the other one.
This one is about Wax coating, only I accidently got the white wax and not the clear one.
Clear wax is good for preserving leaves so they don't loose their color. I made do with the white and just see what I've done!
I believe in using what I already have. A cookie sheet for drying, and a extra tartlet burner melts the wax just fine.
1. I laid out butcher paper shiny side up on the kitchen table and covered with an assortment of fall leaves.
2. Covered shiny side down with some more paper. ( wax paper can be used to)
3. Find something to lay on top. Magazines, cork place mats, a large art clip board, then put a few heavy things on top of that~ give it at least 8 hours of pressing, any longer and the leaves start to dry out. ( this comes in handy for large projects, but for smaller ones, I use a flower press)
It took approx. 10 minutes to melt the bees wax, occasionally stirring with a tooth pick.
~Here I added Martha Stewarts Fire Opal glitter. I have about 8 of her glitters and love them all cause they are beautiful and super fine.
~Working quickly with the foam brush, I dip in the wax, scooping up some glitter and brush lightly over the front and back of the leaf.
~If you click on the pics for a close up you can see how pretty they look and almost sort of vintage.
I'm going to put these in a small shallow bowl I'm making out of paper and place on the table.
~This way if the wax melts just a little in any sun light it won't ruin anything.
~Hope you like this demo and will play along with your own! I look forward to seeing what you have to show off and to also make new friends!
Happy Crafting!


  1. Oooh, this is fab. I will try to think of something! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for visiting my blog!!

  2. Happy 100th post! I will try to come up with a fun demo and get that posted in time. Have a great time this weekend and hey, let's get together and do something creative!!

  3. This is a cool craft! I would have never known how to do such a thing. Right now I feel brain dead like I don't know how to do a single thing!! I'll study on it a bit. Hopefully, I can come up with something.
    Happy 100th post! It goes by fast doesn't it???

  4. thanks for telling me about you tutorial-athon. and i wish i could join but sadly my camera is broken so i have nothing to take pictures with.

  5. love the wax leaves! I adore Martha's glitter! Have fun in Ca.!!!I will try and play along! sounds like fun!!!

  6. well, congrats! how fun for you and i love your "Come out and play" concept. fun fun! great idea with the demo and encouraging others to participate!

    i'm getting ready for a holiday show, so unfortunately, my play time is spoken for! busy busy! sorry i haven't stopped by in a bit. kept meaning to and then would just forget again! ugh!

    anyway happy blogging 100th!!!!

  7. Have a great time Michelle.
    Sounds like a fun weekend.
    Happy 100th post.
    Enjoyed your demo.

  8. Great craft!! Not sure that I will be able to participate but I wanted to say CONGRATS on 100 posts!

  9. Happy 100th post! That was fast! I'll try to get a demo together-not sure what though!

  10. Hi Michelle,
    What a great idea, thanks so much for it, I love how you used the oil burner, stroke of genius!!! I'll try to join in though it isn't fall here in Australia, it's right in the middle of spring! I have an idea for something using pressed flowers and leaves so I'll see how I go...
    Congrats on the 100 posts!!!

  11. Happy birthday bloggy! Thanks for checking in on me... you're sweet to wonder where I've been. I'm here I'm here!!! Just still a bit crazy with the move and everything. I did make some more art, but I only posted it to my flickr account - so haven't blogged in a while. I think I'll do that soon!

    Take care,

  12. That looks as if it is great fun. I have started doing beeswax collage and often use pressed flowers. I like the idea of using glitter ... your colour choice was a good one to go along with the leaves.

  13. What FUN! Thanks for dropping into my blog, and leaving such sweet comments!

    I'll see if I can come up with something, what a fun challenge :).

    Thank you for the invitation!

    Your work is delish!

  14. congratulations on 100 Posts! That shows dedication. I will try to get something I love to do together and posted before the deadline. This is a great idea to get us all going. The project with the leaves is great. We have a ton of trees in the canyon so I'm looking forward to trying it. And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  15. Congrats on your 100th post! Sounds exciting! I'll try to participate! Lovely blog you have here also! Thanks for leaving a comment on mine! Have fun!!!!!

  16. Happy 100th post!! You are fast!!
    This is a cool demo, very inspiring!

  17. Happy 100th Post!

    Well, I thought I'd join in the fun and create a demo. Just so you know the word contest links back to your site. The links are gray so I think they get missed sometimes.

  18. Happy 100 posts. Julie (lost luggage) turned me onto your great blog. Here's my tutorial on Pumpkin Krispie Pops:


  19. Congrats on 100 posts! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's always nice to meet someone new.


  20. SHOOT!!! i wish i had seen this sooner!!! congrats on your 100th post!!!

  21. Happy 100!! I can't play,,,but just wanted to stop by and say congrats!

  22. So sorry I missed the cut-off! I did just post a fun pin the tail on the cat game that I made.. if anyone wants to take a peek for the fun of it!

    Happy Halloween!!

  23. This wonderful. I have always wondered about the waxed stuff! Thanks for visiting me and the comments on my son. I do appreciate it! Sorry I missed joining your fun.

  24. Love your BLOG!!! It's just FAB!!

    I LOVE Disney & I know where Borrego Springs is too! (Ex-In Laws lived there many many years ago!)

    I'll stop by again & add your link to my BLOG!! HUGS!! :0)


  25. I was looking for ways to work with fall leaves and this is fabulous! Congrats on your 100th post!


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