
Halloween Greetings To You

~~~~~ Every Year my decorating for Halloween changes, specially now that we have a 3 year old boy who gets "spooked" as easily as he can destroy things with the touch of a finger. So sadly I did not go "all-out" this year and kept things simple. After Halloween, I'll post some pics from dress up to lit decorations and also some glimpse of the past!

Hard to see unless you click on it, I saw this "somewhere" and used CD's as templates onto cereal boxes. Stamped the letters and then added glitter.


The jumble of stuff is a doll I made, some mini books, and loose goodies.
The other is a card holder I made eon's ago that is always up except for Christmas. I decorated it with all my Halloween tags and cards. Some I made, some received.

Do you notice my LOVE of Disney? I'm missing one of the hitch hiking ghost and the dead bride.
Let me know if you find them any where!
I would love to add them to the collection!

For the downstairs bathroom, I take out the bulbs and cover the vent fan light with layers of purple saran wrap. It gives off a eerie glow. I have some spiders hanging from the ceiling and minimal deco's except for my floor creature.
The flowers and kitty are under the mantle, Kitty gets decorated on Halloween and Christmas. He's a regular in the household at all times.
Some of my new deco's are from some of this years Halloween Swaps!
We don't have a normal mail area cause I'm always changing my mind on how and where.
I got the hook rack at Michaels on clearance and hung 2 purses I got at Target last year for $2 each. They hang well and hold our mail too!

Our front door is metal. So I'm often putting up Dyllan's art work for him and all who enter to admire. Don't you love his little ghost foot prints? The bat's are my creations and the partial moon you see is made at his request to fly his rocket ships to.
At Christmas time our stair way and house really gets decked out!
Pillows I made and have to keep reminding Dyllan that they are not to be stood on.

Looking out from the house and my front door. I made the sign and the other side has a Fall greeting.
Our humble home, too close to our neighbors, but at least it's ours and anything bigger would require more cleaning!
I put Walmart cheap flowers in dirt on my windowsill. Looks good with the Halloween theme and webbing. Colors kinda ran with the last rain but still looks good.
I like putting spiders and webbing on the front of our house. Neighbors have even stated that they look forward to what I'll do each year. I'm not a stucco fan but love how it holds webbing.


  1. i LOVE that webbing that you did outside...that looks so COOL!!! great halloween decorations!!!

  2. CUTE decorations! My kids are always after me to buy more and more Halloween decorations, but they forget that I'm the one who has to take them all down afterwards and start putting up my gazillion boxes of Christmas ornaments! heehee

    YES! Feel free to share my post about the photo/crafting challenge! The more the merrier!

  3. Happy Halloween would be trick or treating at your house!

  4. Love the webbing and everything! The boo to you banner is just wonderful. Love that you used old cd's and cereal boxes. Sounds so easy!


  5. Nice job! You did way more than I did...I think I have about 5 small decorations total...you'r emuch more festive than me!

  6. Your house looks great! Can't wait to see it in person!

  7. I simply love how your house is decorated. You rock!

  8. you really have style when it comes to decorating.. wish i were a kid when you hand out the candy!


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