
For the love of Etsy

~ I just love Etsy. I don't know who doesn't. If you are new to the whole thing... check them out!
And while you are at it, You'll probally want to stop by and see my shop!
Go here and see some of my crowns.

~I am also the Goddess of Paper and Crowns, and I'm having a shop special till May 15th, with any crown or tiara order, you get 25 assorted crown tags for free!


Craft Space Challenge

~ I would like to host a craft space challenge to all my crafty friends.
You will have 2 months to organize and make your craft space more efficient.
~ You'll need to e-mail me a current pic of your crafting space ~
At the end of the challenge, I'll post a on-line voting showing those that participated, with a before and after photo. And there will be fun Storage related items to be given away!

You don't need a blog to join, just the will to get organized!

Starting date is today.
Last day of challenge is June 30th.

That's 2 months.
~During that time I'd like to encourage you to share with the rest of us, on your blog, or by sending me a e-mail for me to post...storage idea's, your frustrations, long lost discoveries, how you stretched the penny on organizing, what worked, what did not, thoughts and idea's, and how it's affecting your crafting!
~Also you can join anytime, but the longer you wait to make the comittment... the less time you have to organize!

~ I will also post weekly update's of the progress and trials of those participating.

~ This a round about the condition of my studio. I admit my studio will never be fully organized as I wish, but I really need a better system!
~ Here's a start.

Also...here are some flickr sites that might help you to discover what will work for you!

Craft Rooms, Artist Studio's Pretty Organized.

Please feel free to tell your other blog friends and invite them to come join the fun!



~ This is "Puppy".
He was recieved at Dyllan's baby shower and was introduced to Dyllan at birth. We celebrate his Birthday a few weeks before Dyllan's in July, complete with a hat, treat and present!
~ Life comes to a screeching halt if Puppy is not found. For varoius reasons, Puppy is now not allowed to leave the house, ever. There are substitutes stuffed toys for car riding or Costco shopping.

~ As you can see, Puppy is well loved.
He's washed once per month or as the Momma (that's Me) see's fit. Then his eyes and nose are re-colored in till the next cleaning.

~ I love how Dyllan loves his Puppy!


Xyron tool give away~

My friend Melissa Merrill of Living and Creating is giving away a Xyron tool from her studio stash. Hurry and leave a post on her blog, as she draws a name on Friday the 25th!

Go here for the post and good luck!

e-mail woes

~ Just a little post to let you know that I've been having e-mail issues with my hotmail since saturday. My hubby was kind enough to help set up a new account on our computer for me as my old one was missing some important applications with no sign of a virus. I can still access my old account for file and photo files but I had to re-book mark for any important links including remote e-mail accounts. Cox and Yahoo were no sweat, but Hotmail was a nightmare because first in the process of signing off to re sign on, it changed my password and locked me out. Talk about feeling all the blood drain from your body! I was able to get in somehow and reset my password to a new one, so I'm in. Or am I? I'm getting sporadic e-mails and blog post. I went into options and adjusted the filters and added to the safe senders list too. I also e-mailed for tech support.

~ So I appologize for not responding to comments or e-mails as I usually do, it's alittle hectic around here. Any advice would be helpful if you've gone through the same.



Such a pretty day.

Aliso and Wood Canyons Regional Park features 3,879 acres of scenic canyons, rock formations, oak woodlands, fresh water marsh and tranquil creek side riparian communities. This semi wilderness park provides trail use for hikers, bicyclists, and equestrians.

~ This is where we were for a few hours last Friday with Father in Law Jim, Dyllan and I.
Is it not just beautiful?

~ Look at those cloud formations!

~ Look how beautiful those rolling hills are. I told Jim that if I lived in one of those houses, I'd buy a good pair of night vision goggles just so I can see the wild life after dark!

~ There was a slight incline back to the parks entrance.

~ Dyllan was just entranced with how the wind was doing all the work for him!

~ Hanging out the picnic table while Jim and Dyllan were counting squirrel holes and climbing rocks, I noticed this perfect climbing tree, sigh...too bad it was in a nature preserve , and right in front of the Rangers trailer...otherwise I'd give it a go for old times sake!

~ Too pretty to pass up.


I've been tagged!

I had to share this photo with you. I knew as soon as I took Dyllan's pic,
that he meant for black and white!

~ I've been tagged by, Kristin Hubick of Retro Cafe' Art!
She has a amazing blog and even better, an amazing on-line shop, please check her out!

~So here we go!
The rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six weird things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six others. And let them know they've been tagged!

Okay, so here are my weird, random things:

1. Along with kristin's love of pickles,
I love how the exhaust fumes from old school buses remind me of pickles.

2. As a SAHM, living on one income, I learned the right way from a facialist how to do my own deep pore cleasaning. In other words, I squeeze my nose pore's once a month to get the dirt out!
3. When I used to go to the movies all the time, (before being a SAHM),
I'd buy a pack of fresh Red Vines and use them for a edible straw in my soda!

4. The longest I've gone with out a shower is...10 days!

5. I can hold ladybugs and worms in my hand (I like to garden), but let a cockroach anywhere near me and I'll probally faint.

6. At night, so as not to bother anyone when I'm watching TV, I put it on mute and "read" what they are saying instead! Works great for scary films, cause' then I don't have to listen to the creepy music!

So now I would like to tag:
Cristal, Jo Ann, Cathy, Irma, Karla, and Heather.

~ Be sure to check out these wonderful blogs!


Winner's of my Rak.

~Congratulations to the ...

~winner of my Captured Faerie ... Irma's Rose Cottage!

I promised something else if I recieved more than 25 post(s)...
and that winner is Lisa of Scrappy Catz!
~Lisa will recieve one of my cupcake's from my shop , pink or blue.

Thanks everyone!


First name basic's

~If you notice to the right...where it says Blogs That Inspire me Daily, you'll see that I've made some changes. Instead of listing everyone by their blog name, I've added their real names too! Or at least the majority of them! And if you've noticed a (*)next to the names, it just means that they have listed me on their blog list as well! So very nice. ;0)

~I anticipate after Friday night's drawing for the first of my many RAK's I'll be adding quite a few new blog friends to the list!

~I'm also in the process of organizing all my new friends to a binder, with their likes and dislikes, mailing address and birthdate for future mail surprises. I love snail mail and I love pen pals.

~If you want to be added to this book, please feel free to e-mail me with your addy (if I don't already have it) and your Birthdate!




Penny Pinchin'

Hope you enjoy this penny pinchin' Spa recipe!

Strip it Off!
~ Pore Cleaning Strips
This recipe makes a pore cleaning "strip" which works just like those sold in popular drugstores.

1 T. Knox unflavored gelatin
1-1/2 T. milk
Mix two ingredients and microwave for 10 seconds to slightly warm.
Using a clean cosmetic brush or small spatula ,
apply to nose and chin area.
Avoid delicate eye area.
Rinse brush immediately.
Allow mixture on nose and chin to dry for 10-15 minutes.
Mixture will dry quite stiff and form a "stiff film."
Peel off the film and stare at all the little porcupine quills that used to be in your nose pores
(one of the chief entertainment factors with B'Strips!).

Also don't forget about my Captured Faerie RAK here!

Goddess of Craft offering for April

~ Most of you don't know this yet, but I'm the newest member to a local group called the Goddesses of Craft.
We get together monthy to see what's new with each other, work on our art and combine our good advice to help each other sell better.
Each month, we will be uploading specials onto the
There are 5 very talanted ladies in the group and we each have a specialty.
I am the Goddess of Paper and Crowns!
So hop on over and see what they all have to offer you, as this is like a sale, every month!
P.s., still time to post for a chance to "win" Little Prince!
See below...


Captured Faerie Prince


He's a captured woodland faerie, complete with a happy smile and golden crown!
To be entered in the drawing, you must:
1. Have a Blog, and one that is not set to private so that I can visit you in the case that you might have won!
2. Get a "extra" chance to win if you ...comment about me, my blog or the current RAK somewhere on your blog!
3. I will pick a winner at the end of Friday night, April 18th. In the case that I have over 25 legit comments, I'll have an extra "goodie" to give away!


The "Perfect" House for Rubber Stamping!

~ In Borrego where my Mom resides, there is the "Perfect" house!
This artist lady lives on the golf course and has a seperate house near my Mom,
filled to the brim of her craft supplies for her to teach classes with!

*** Please click on each and every photo for yummy close up detail! ***

~ Every room in the house is filled with rubber stamp goodeness, the kitchen even has a collection of "food" related stamps and supplies!

~ Who needs wall paper, when you have this many stamps?

~ I also love how she turned a back room into a personal gift shop where she sell's extra supplies ,hand made cards and novelties!


Dance Improvisation with Dyllan

~ He always has to have on a pair of Mommy's shoes...
~ Then with the music playing in the background, the magic begins...

~Telling a story? or just getting rid of lazy energy?~ Love his hand gestures!
~ So so cute!

Pretty amazing that at age 3 1/2, Dyllan has such a passion for music and dance!


Mermaid, Childhood Atc's and Bird Inchies

~ There is just something so delightful about miniature works of art like ATC's and Inchie's!

I made the Mermaid ATC's for a swap through the Fiskateers.
I love anything to do with Mermaids!

~ These are also for the Fiskateers in a swap called childhood memories. One of the fondest memories in my childhood is cutting out paper dolls!

~ I always make one for me to keep!

~ Joanne Wardle hosted a Bird Inchie swap. Fun to do and the notepad was a gift for her to keep.

~ See the rest of the incredible Bird Inchies here!
The theme for April is "Children". Interested?
Go here for more details!


Borrego Springs, Ca

~Here is a neat Caboose that one of the residents of the valley has on her property. From what I've heard, seeing a it come down over the mountain, track and all, created quite the buzz in this
small town!

~ Here photo's from seeing the wildflowers in Borrego Springs at the end of March. By Summer, there will be no trace that these existed except in and around area's that have a regular water source.
~ Ocotillo
~White evening primrose

~ Dyllan keeping his "cool" while I was off on my wildflower safari!

~starting to dry up
~Eating the leftovers
~Desert Chicory
~ Ocotillo

~Popcorn Flowers

~ Desert-Marigold

~Desert Sand Verbena

~Desert Lily

~Desert Pincushion
~Desert Dandelion

~All tuckered out!

~Beaver Tail Cactus

~ Desert Lupine
~Cholla Cactus


~ eek, a spider!

~ A little scary walking this ridge with sporadic gust of winds!
~Barrell Cactus
~ Indian Paint Brush

~Ghost Flower

~ Found this old Firetruck while passing through Ranchita, on the way home.

~ The guy in the back even has windshield wipers!
