
Modified "My little Pony's" and Star Wars fun stuff...

I was browsing this Star Wars site for fun and found this place.
The artist, Mari Kasurin modifys "My Little Pony's"!
I especially loved her Start Wars ones and the Edward Scissor hand Pony.

If you like Star Wars as much as I, then you'll love these Lunch Bags!

So on to Browsing the official Star Wars Blog, I found photo's from last years Comic con. Yikes! What a way to get my blood pumping in excitement! You can see the post here.
I'm taking Dyllan to this years Comic Con in San Diego. I'm Sooooo excited! Dyllan is going to be Captain Rex, and I plan on being a Jedi. We are going the last day, Sunday, so if you are going...drop me a line!

Do you see this kite? Don't you just want it? Here, on the Star Wars you can also see other kites like Vader's TIE fighter and a R2D2 inflatable pool drink server that won't be available till next year....

Lastly, I found this site for cake and party idea's since Dyllan's 5th Birthday this year will be...can you guess?..Star Wars /Clone Wars!
Complete with encouraging his friends to come as their favorite character.
~ I'm thinking this year to keep the cake simple, but fun. I'm planning on getting a large sheet cake from Costco and adding either a toy star ship or adding one made from extra cake.
Maybe the swamp scene? Any idea's would be great!

You might be noticing my blog looks a little different. More like a lot. I would like include my art into a blog back ground but don't know how. So for now I made it plain...as much as I liked "cutest blogs on the block"...I'm at the stage where I want my own thing.
If you or someone you know does great blog back grounds, please e-mail me.


Where's Dyllan?...

Oh, there you are!

I know I've been "slacking" on showing you my art adventures but I could not resist sharing this with you and my family!
You have to love those large (free) boxes from Costco.
So far, we have 3.
With handles on the side, they are perfect for holding toys,
transporting a hot crock pot dish to a crop and for being the "perfect" hiding spot!
My Step Mom, Lynne is the creative talent behind both blankets.
In the meantime, I've been working all month on some new artistic pieces...
So stinkin' cute!
Until next time...
Stay healthy, create often, and be silly!


1 Happy Meal, coming up!

The other day while I was working upstairs in the studio, Dyllan cames in with a mini note pad and a crayon to take my "order".
Using "junk mail" for a menu, I ordered what I knew he had in his play food selection...a hot dog and ice cream.
Here he is with my "Happy Meal"...one fried egg, a butter sandwich and two Star Wars toys!


For Me?

Look what I won! From one of my favorite blogs and blog friend artist!
Kris Hubick of Retro Cafe Art'
She gave away 30 things for her 30th B-day and here's what I won!
I love the little fairy wands and some of her personal art work...
Plus this! A Faerie pendant she made!
As much as I enjoy giving...it's nice to get something back once in a while.
Please check out her shop...and let her know I sent you! She has beautiful clip art images and altered art goodies for you to create with. Plus her personal sodered works are a delight!


SALE in my shop!

I'm cleaning out items in my studio and have offered them for SALE in my shop !


This is why I got a Honda CRV.

Years ago before Dyllan was born, I bought my first "New" car. This one. A Honda CRV. I wanted something to take off roading and to be able to put bikes in the back. Looks like I got my wish...

There's a natural park near my house where we go for nature walks and now bike rides. The pavement is wide enough for Dyllan who's still learning to ride with his (noisy) training wheels.

Here we are taking a snack break.

At the end of the wide pavement is a more narrow bumpy trailed shared by hikers, runners and mountain bikers. The trail leads all the way to the ocean.

What a fun day. The view was beautiful and the "Whoo-hoo!" sounds of Dyllan coasting back down the road was music to my ears.


Never in a Million years

Last Sunday I cooked up our corned beef and cabbage all day in the crock pot.
It was our stay home and relax in our jammies day and plus I could not wait till Tuesday to eat our St. Patty's day feast!
The head of cabbage was bigger than I anticipated and would not fit in the crock pot with the corned beef and baby carrots.
I managed to get some in but threw the rest in a pot and boiled away.
When it was done cooking, I drained it and was munching away when what should I hear from the living room? "Mmmmm, something sure smells good!" And then Dyllan appeared and saw me eating the cabbage and said, "Can I have some?"
I swear I looked at our 4 1/2 year old son as if he was from mars and muttered a faint "sure"...and then proceeded to serve him some. He loved it! Ate it up and even asked for more!
I did not want to over do it as I had a flash back to when I was young and I took a liking to a few lima beans my Mom put on my plate. I asked for more and the next thing I knew..she was serving them to me at every meal. I lost my "like" for them soon after.
Later that Sunday, I served him up his first corned beef. He liked it but preferred his carrots to be crunchy. The only thing he did not like was how the corned beef got stuck in his teeth!
Last night I cooked up a Italian dinner of french bread, potato gnocchi with a four cheese tomato sauce, ceaser salad and steamed asparagus drizzled with roasted butter.
- Once again, Dyllan amazed me with his new found love of the asparagus (mostly the tips) and sorta liked the gnocchi which I had to tell him they were special "death star" pasta!


Random Acts of Kindness

~ Random Acts of Kindness ,also known as RAK's is where people give presents ...just because.
Sometimes we make a theme to go with them as I did for my Birthday RAK.
One of the girls that recieved a mystery gift from me, in turn sent me the above charms as a thank you.
She said they reminded her of this post.

"The Firefly" was sent to me from Tricia Stirling.
And the Fiber art below was made by Pamela Rice.
Both were won through the One World One Heart blog party!
The darling Cupcake print below is by Sheri Leseberg. If you want to see more of her art...please go here!
Last but not least...The Project Blogway Challenge has begun...are you in? or are you out?


Mermaid ATC Invitation

This is the Mermaid ATC I made for last years swap. I'm a stickler for anything Mermaids so along with agreeing to this years swap, I'm also encouraging all of you ART friends to join in!
If you are not sure what a ATC is... please read here.
-The premise:
-Make 8 cards + 1
-The +1 being one for you as you will not get one of your own back.
-On back of cards be sure to put date, your name /contact info and number them 1/8...8/8
-Include $2 postage(no metered stickers), an address mailing label , put all in a padded envelope which will be re-used back to you.
-Due April 17th
Interested? Please contact Valerie for mailing details!



My new and absolute Dear friend, Colette George made this for me.
Inspirational words, golden threads...
She's been helping me with the sales of my new Birds Nest Rings...we did a little trade...and voila!
This piece is just perfect for me, and she even gave me a copy of a treasured poem!
So precious...thanks Colette!


Fairy Inspired Fiber Art

Over the next six post's, this being the first, I'll share some goodies that I've received from people!
A Fiskateer friend of mine, Leslie, received a extra signed by the author copy of this book at CHA.
She did a RAK, and by chance I won!
To me, it was fate...as it's the most beautiful book and the demonstrated techniques are one's I've been wanting to try for some time!
What made it extra special was 2 of my Fiskateer friends said that if they were to have won, they would have given the book to me!
That in a nut-shell made me feel loved.


"Shout Out To Sheet Load"

You have to visit this site!

You too can have a chance to win a new Fiskars Border punch!

Even if you don't win...just the name of their site should put a smile on your face! *

Mom, what makes the wind?

This is what I heard from the back seat as I was driving our almost 5 year old to pre-school.
I had not had my first cup of coffee yet and when he asked this very important question,
(like my life flashing before my eyes) I got some quick images of anything wind, and then said I'd tell him later...

So please do share with me what you told your kids when they asked this same question
(which I sure they have) because I can use all the help I can get!


BTW...happy Monday


cloudy with a chance of sun

Still cloudy and brrr-breezy here in southern California. A little too nippy for me after my warming stint last weekend. Still I love the clouds,the peeks of sunshine and the promise of a bountiful spring.


I sold a chair!

I sold this Faerie chair in my shop today!
I do have more furniture pieces to list...will do soon.
But I'm doing the "happy" Faerie Furniture dance now!


Like Night and Day...

That what I say to myself about the weather.
Here in Aliso, it's overcast and cool.
In Borrego over the weekend is was hot.
Almost to 95 on saturday and I'm still feeling it.

It was nice though. Mom and Dyllan kept busy most of Saturday while I took my time driving around taking photo's and visting places.
( please click on ANY photo for a close up!)
There were some new iron art works displayed through the valley. You can see more here.

The heat kind of took a toll on my picture taking creativeness. Last year when we came in April, it was cooler. You can see those pics here as well.

I liked this iron work of a priest and his dog because the artist made rosary beads from iron and smooth stones. Very clever.

The neighbors next to my Mom, made a trail next to their home. It's for their grandson, Jake and they welcome Dyllan to enjoy it too, which he does!

My favorite piece is their bottle tree. I can imagine on a windy day it makes some pretty music.

When I came back from my day out, Dyllan and I walked the trail. he showed me where he helped the couple start something new and where he had a minor brush up with dried cactus and survived.

On Sunday, I bought a plastic wading pool at the local hardware store for Dyllan to cool off in. I spent time in the patio watching him play and worked on art and some desert water colors to which I'm quite proud of. (will share with you someday...)
Dyllan ended up getting sunburned, - his first and then got bit by a fire ant right between the toes. Poor little guy. At least it was on the last day.

Above is how the desert will look in a couple of months. Dry, extra hot...no flowers.

Here's another set up shot I did while on my adventure. I like the horses best.

I also brought along a super sized flower press my uncle made me and added flowers I found along my way.
Well that's it. We came home late. Dyllan was so excited to see his Daddy, that he got over excited and had a meltdown.
Today after preschool he got a (much needed) hair cut and a new Star Wars lego toy for finishing his good behavior chart. ( he already has this one and this one.)
Tomorrow if it does not rain, I promised we would pack a picnic and go for a bike ride.