
Etsy Spotlight - If The Hat Fits byJackie!

Please welcome this months etsy seller- If the Hat Fits by Jackie!
( I met Jackie at a local craft fair a couple of years ago, falling in love with her beautiful personality and magical Witch Hats!
I strongly encouraged her to join up with etsy, and she joined Oct. 2008 .
Since then, Jackie has sold 187 hats and head decorations for all ages!
Please read her fun interview and visit her beautiful shop!)

I'm Jackie and I live in Laguna Hills California with the love of my life, John.

I should say 'lifetime' because it took just about that to find him! Or, did he find me?

No, we found each other through 2 best friends that put us together, 9 years ago this month!

Life is good and it was worth the wait, trial, and error to be where we are today!

I developed a passion for hats when I was 17 and worked in the millinery department at Bullocks.

In 1989, I had the pleasure of living in Cambridge England for a year, where my appreciation for

beautiful hats really grew! I’ve always enjoyed wearing them, collecting them and now, best of all

….creating them. I do not make the hat itself and am in awe of those incredibly talented and patient

people who do. Instead, I take a great hat and give it a beautiful personality!

My craft room is a magical space full of flowers, ribbons, fabric, sparkling this 'n that's,

oohs 'n awes and lot's of oh my's waiting to be spun into the perfect that's just what I needed.

I still sew on the machine my dad bought for me 44 years ago, phew!)

What are your hopes, dreams, where do you see yourself in the future?

Let's just say, I have been around the block a few times, but, I hope that I will continue to learn, and always be open to grow,change. My dreams are to continue to live a happy, healthy, creative, and very long life so I can enjoy my grand children and be a positive influence in their lives; one day, leaving nothing but pleasant memories -maybe an inspiration- behind!

What other things do you like to do?
I retired a few years ago, after 30 incredibly fun years as a manicurist/nail artist.
In addition to designing custom hats, I enjoy mosaic, faux painting, floral arranging, gardening, reading, cooking, refinishing furniture, and spoiling my lovely

By yourself…with your family?...

My life has always been a whirlwind of busy; even more so after retiring!
I relish any 'alone time' I can get, relaxing, shopping, taking a bubble bath,
creating or just cleaning out a drawer.
Reading a magazine from cover to cover is a treat!
The best time spent though, is with family and friends, but especially, with my son, daughter-n-law and grand daughters, living on the East Coast. My bags are always ready to fly!!
My grand daughter, Skylar, visits here in the summer and it is magical!
I become ageless, enjoying every roller coaster, wet zone, endangered species,
and arena of entertainment that California has to offer.

We have painted, plastered, planted, photographed, pedicured, and picked movies,
books, clothes and flowers too.

Swimming every day, frosting cupcakes, face painting, walks on the beach,
Dairy Queen, putting on the golf course and staying up late are simple delights.
I've been to a Jonas Brothers concert, with 10,000 screaming little girls
and thanks to the ear plugs I remembered to bring, can set back now
and listen to Rod Stewart croon the old standards as I enjoy the memories we have created!

How did you first “know” you were a artist?

Reaching into my splendorous box of 40 Crayola Crayons,
picking one of my favorite colors- Magenta, Carnation Pink or Turquoise Blue
- and coloring outside the lines for the rest of my life.
I didn't think life could be any better, then Crayola came out with a box of 64.
120 was beyond bliss.

Please tell us what inspires you to make something new.

Oh My! It could be anything. A color, a fabric, movies, a mood swing,
something that sparkles or the full moon.
I'll awake in the middle of the night and jot down an idea.
At the drop of a hat, I'm ready to start a new project!
If only there were more hours in the day!!

Please name your top 5 favorite blogs or web links you like to visit often
and why.

Not easy to narrow down!!


Molly Cambell is a delight, I completely relate to her take on life. She is endearing, heartfelt and can also leave me laughing up a storm! She won 2nd place in the Erma Bombeck writing competition, held in Dayton Ohio-Erma's home town.

Valentina is a jewelery artist in Foggia, Italy. Her work is divine! I love fresh water pearls [they color outside the lines, don't they?!] and she creates unique designs with them. I have a beautiful collection of her pieces and not only do I enjoy the compliments they receive, it's always fun to say "It's from Italy!" Communicating with the help of Babel Fish or translate page is helpful and fun!

Stacy is a fabulous, busy, working mom/ photographer in New York. Her baby girl, Vienna Lilly, is the PERFECT model, loves the camera and has made quite a few of my photo props look absolutely resplendent! If only they lived here in the O.C!!

Cute and Cool Blog Stuff by Itkupilli @ http://blo64rt.blogspot.com/
Fun, creative, edgy, informative and lots of free stuff to help me grow! Great step by step instruction for downloading graphics to your blog and using altered art.

Vanessa Valencia
SO much creativity and fun stuff going on here, always an inspiration!!

This energetic, creative young woman never ceases to amaze me! She can accomplish so much and is truly an inspiration. Michelle is the reason I found my 'home' on ETSY in the first place and I am forever grateful!!


Winner has been notified June 19, 2010.
If you or you know someone who would like to be featured here on my blog, please contact me...altered-art@hotmail.com



  1. I Love the Dana Point Diva / womens sun hats derby hat. WONDERFUL!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love all the hats of Jackie!!!
    She's a beautiful person!
    Thanks for having nominated me:)



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