
Getting in the mood for our Halloween party

We are having a family friendly Halloween party here at our home this year, on the 29th and I've been rehashing some old ideas - favorites for foods and party decor. There will be about 40 guest to participate in pumpkin carving, do Crafts, dress up for the costume contest, play games and venture in a small but very dark haunted house (tent). The following photos are from last years Trick or Treat Party.

Jello worms

Spider web cupcakes

Moldy cheese

Here is a jello brain from Halloween 2008

This should rekindle some ideas...I'll be posting some more ideas soon!

~ Michelle Cummings

1 comment:

  1. EEEK!!! the worms look so real! Looks like a cure all for a diet in the making. lol


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