Happy New Year!
All done wrapping!
~I'm all done wrapping! I stashed the gifts in a tall laundry hamper in the garage so Dyllan won't see them. We are headed to my Mom's in Borrego for Christmas and I fear we have more gifts than luggage! I guess that's what "black" trash bags are for. ;)
I was also all 'set' to do some more baking, but decided to save it for when we get back. Anyways it's more fun to decorate the cookies with Dyllan at our own pace.
Speaking of fun, Dyllan had a blast delivering cookies and little gifts with me to the neighbors! He always said, "Merry Christmas!" , but his "Happy Holiday", usually sounded like "Have a Holiday"
So here's my cottage. I really challenged myself and made her a "scrapbox" cottage!
I glued glittered coffee stirrers from Starbucks on the cottage for a fence, and added icicles to the roof.

The inside has inspirational stamped words, distressed pages for photos and a pretty glittered ornament!

I really like how this turned out and am already dreaming up new ones for my shop and for swaps!
Merry Christmas!
It all started with the eggnog
Almost Done

I believe I'm almost done with Christmas shopping. I won't see some of my friends and family until after the new year, so that gives me some time.
Wed, I plan to get the oil changed then have a hopefully stress free trip to Hilo Hati at the block of Orange. It's a yearly thing for me to get Brian and Dyllan matching Hawaiian shirts. I also scour the papers looking for their annual 40% off coupon to which I scored two!
Then possible lunch at Johnny Rockets and then home for a nap(both of us) cause I have a potluck party later that night.
I've been receiving the swaps from the 12 days of Christmas swap I hosted. I'm very excited that it's going well and can't wait to show off all the wonderful mini-masterpieces soon!
Another note, remember way back when when I had my 100th post winners? There were 14 of them and I'm just now getting their goodies out! Sorry !
I also asked 12 people to send me their profile pic. I got 12 total. These surprises will be going out in Jan-2008 because of the detail involved. I really hope the girls like what they will get!
I have not added to my shop in like a month! and I'm not happy with that, but then I have to blame the holidays cause I always take on more than I can chew even when I scaled back a ton!
I have alot of "new" surprises to add to my shop that I can't wait to share with you next year! Some of it is old school talent that is starting to re-emerge and the rest is myself really applying my energies to what I've never done before! I'm very excited!
~ So now I'm off to finish "crafty" things while I watch the DVD series "House" - I'm so hooked!
Thursday is my "finish the baking or bust" day.
~ Dyllan in all his cuteness has been a absolute terror all morning. And I need someone to either shoot me or give me a sanity pill. I'm so super grumpy, tired, and still have not finished my 1st cup of coffee! Earlier, it got just too quiet. I found him downstairs in the bathroom washing his hands. Water and foamy soap every where.
He's in the stroller now, strapped in as the final straw. It's a little quiet now...let me check...
Darn! As quiet as he was, he was not sleeping!
I've got a last minute craft to finish up downstairs, maybe I'll put a show on for him to watch while I work. Is it nap time yet? I'll put him down about 1:30pm and maybe I can take a "cat nap" too!
Thanks for letting me rant~Michelle
Disneyland Splendor
Rogers's Gardens
So I suggested to the hubby for us to have lunch at Fashion Island and to stop off at
Rogers Gardens for a look see. Brian watched Dyllan out in the garden area, Dyllan being entranced by a electrical train, while I purused, dreamed of fairytales and took lots of pics to share with the rest of you! I also left my wallet in the car, on purpose. ;)
~ So enjoy, feel inspired and click on every pic for beautiful details!

Tasty Toffee
Tasty Toffee
Fudge Crinkles (made from cake mix)
rolled cookies
stained glass cookies
Gingerbread cookies
chocolate chip cookies(from tub at costco)
pre-made gingerbread house to decorate (from Costco)
Please enjoy this "easy and "Tasty" recipe!
Tasty Toffee
1 stack saltines
1 cup sugar
2 sticks butter
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 cup nuts
Pre-heat oven to 400*
Line a cookie sheet with foil.
Lay crackers out neatly on the foil.
Melt sugar and butter in microwave, stir and pour over crackers.
Bake for 8 minutes (it will bubble).
Take out of oven and pour choc. chips evenly over crackers.
Smooth chocolate over crackers with a spatula.
Sprinkle with nuts if desired and cool. (I put it in the fridge for a bit to firm up)
Break apart and enjoy!
* I have in the past made toffee from scratch but can't keep a eye on it and the Dyllan, so I find this easier and still yummy!
Season's Greeting's!

~ Still have a few deco's to put up...the nativity scene finish the staircase and other yummy's. Above is a advent calendar I made for Dyllan. I made little gift boxes out of paper cards and glues magnets on the back. In each numbered box is a ornament for him to hang on a mini tree daily. I decoupaged a old tray to hold the boxes.

Our front door is metal and a perfect place to showcase any art Dyllan does.
It's a Wonder...
Like the extra padding to hold me in?

The following pic's are of my Mom.
Do you notice her "stroller" and far they've come today?
( click on any pics for detail)

Home at last
~We arrived in a San Francisco on sat Nov,17th and spent all of the next day having fun. We've concluded that 1 day is enough in S.F. when you have a 3 year old boy!

Let me tell you of this Carousel which was very beautiful. It has 2 stories where as the 2nd story spins in the opposite direction. Talk about sea sick!
My 3rd Boutique

For my table I found a a pretty lace like plastic table cloth to go over the cheap pink plastic ones I always use.
(feel free to click on any pic for detail!)
Paris to The Moon Costa Mesa
~I started at Lakeshore Learning in Lake Forest, it's a teacher supply store. I got something for Dyllan, a Birthday gift and 2 x-mas gifts for my nieces since we be seeing them on Thanksgiving.
~ Then I stopped off at Trader Joes's which was near by for some Olive Oil and a snack.
~From there I braved the mall. I offered to pick up the brining spices from Williams and Sonoma as our contribution for Thanksgiving. I had to park in la la land since a chunk of the parking lot was roped off for a pink motor home from Life channel which was doing make overs on women and filming it too. I also did not anticipate walking so far or I would not have worn my new rocket dog sneakers with out socks. As I limped back to car, I was wondering where I parked until I remembered I had my hubby's car not mine and his seemed to blend in a sea of other silver Honda's.
Family Portrait

This is Dyllan's 2nd fam portrait.
It is drawn on a big piece of butcher paper and drawn upside down!
Daddy is on the far right with the glasses, I'm in the middle and Dyllan is on the left.
He did it all by him self! I only suggested who he could draw, he did the rest!
I'm tickled "pink" that Dyllan likes to draw so much!
One Woman's junk is another Woman's treasure...
I took a before pic for you all to see the chaos of my studio. You will see that photo when I'm done, probably after I finish my projects.
You might not hear from me until Friday and this is why, so please, pardon my ramble...
- Get materials and make demo's for Wednesdays MOPS craft. I will be making paper pumpkins, the same craft is what I'm making for table setting on thanksgiving with inspirational thoughts inside.
On this Sunday with my craft group, I'm having a card swap with a Christmas theme.
You make your card and attach it to the outside of a shoe box.
On the inside of the box are organized packets of the material s needed to make the card;
- pre cut paper
- ribbon
- stamps
- ink pads
- embellishments.
- I'm putting the finishing touches on my swaps,100th post treats, oct. blog treats, and a crown give away.
- My goal is to have everything shipped off by Friday so I can focus the rest of my energy on my Boutique items to be sold on November 14th!
I gave away a ton of out dated materials to military moms when I went to a retreat in September. Now in re sorting my studio, I'm finding more "stuff" The way I sort the good from the bad, is I look at it and pretend I'm in a fave shop, if it does not appeal to me, it's a goner.
I don't want to pay for shipping, but would like to give this "stuff" away to a happy home or two. I live in south Orange county, drop me a e-mail and we can set up a date for you visit.
It mostly consist of stickers, 12x12 patterned papers, wall paper rolls of strange designs, embellishments, some ribbon scraps, odds and ends. In the case that you don't like any of the "stuff", at least we get to meet and you can see where I create!
A dream come True

~~~Yesterday I put on a bunch of my Swing Music CD's. The 1st being Brian Setzler. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Dyllan be-bopping past me on the tile floor. In between taking down Halloween decorations and washing dishes, I danced with Dyllan showing him my moves and him insisting I try his. He made one up and it went like this: Put your right foot out to the side, slide it back in, wiggle like crazy. It was cute and went with the music!
~~~ Dyllan kept asking for "fast " music, so I played "Eddie Reed", Big bad Voo Doo Daddy, Squirrel Nut Zippers, and Royal Crown Review. I've seen a lot of these guys in person and have many autographs and memories to go along with the music.
~~~The pic above is of Me, Swing dancing many years ago at Disney land. I used to go to the thrift store and find vintage goodies to make a costume for dancing. My hubby is not much of a dancer of any kind so I have not danced for a while. Although now I'm looking forward to teaching Dyllan and to some day have a new partner!
~ Click on the pic for more detail!
Recap from October
20 ways to confuse Trick or Treater's
* 20 ways to confuse trick or treaters*
(some are little "extreme" but others would be worth the look on the faces of the older kids!)
I highlighted my fave's!
What a night!
~~~We live in a 300+ track neighborhood that is culdesac's and all connected. It's also flat which is a plus. I think we hit 8 culdesac's with his friends, after they left, Dyllan and I went out just the two of us and hit a few more.
~~~ I'm not so hip on the the people that hang out front of their house in a lawn chair with their bowl of treats and I just don't bother with the ones that leave a bowl on their front stoop with a sign that say's "take one please." Both of those take the fun out of trick or treating!
~It's all about watching your child ringing the doorbell and singing "trick or treat!"
I'm still tired.
Did anybody tape TAPS's, on a real VHS? I don't have tivo and could not muster the energy last night to find a tape. They were investigation the Waverly Manor from 9pm-3am in a live broadcast. I conked out on the couch after 2 hours.
I'll upload Halloween photo's maybe tonight of last nights festivities. I also have to go through all the Oct. blog post to choose winners! How exciting!
I'm still playing around with the details but for now, how do you like my new banner and blog design?
Still a few more things to do...
~ We watched "The Blair Witch", "Creep Show" and a little bit of "Signs" With the exception of creep show which is fun along with a few other movies of that nature that I own, I personally get a better thrill on the movies that freak out my mentality.
Spooky Treats
Card making and stuff....
~ Our home is safe from the fires but not from the smoke! We are fairly close to Camp Pendleton's fire and it's just awful! The sky is orange. We are staying in the with air conditioner on auto and 2 air purifiers running.
~As you may have read earlier, I went to my Mom's in Borrego Springs for a visit with Dyllan on Sat, and came home on Monday. During the stay, the only time the tv was on was to play Dyllan's Dvd's. And plus the air was fantastic in the desert, blue skies with lots of wind. We had no clue to what was going on in California until Monday. All the normal ways out of Borrego were closed or on fire. I ended up adding 2 hrs onto my already 2 hr drive to take the "back" way out of Salton Sea and Palm Springs route. I will post pic's from this visit soon.
Wax coated Autumn leaves
Halloween Greetings To You

Hard to see unless you click on it, I saw this "somewhere" and used CD's as templates onto cereal boxes. Stamped the letters and then added glitter.
Halloween Hat Swap
Seems so long ago
Never again
~ Last Sunday I hosted a crop at my house through my group West Coast Croppers.
For $5, I taught the girls how to make 4 Halloween cones using vintage wall papers, clip art and the rosette trick.
Things I learned from this demo:
1.There will always be the one who does something first then ask how to later,,,(pouring a pile of glitter then asking later if it's too much)
Going to D-land today!
~~~I plan on leaving the park no later than 2:00pm so Dyllan can get a nap in and I can finish sprucing up the house before Brian gets back (late). In the meantime, I picked up a disposable camera, the good quality kind with a flash from grocery shopping. I'll call it a surprise camera since we wont' see what's been taken until we develop it! I thought it would be a good start for Dyllan and I can let him start his own scrapbook, with safety scissors and all.
~~~I did research on the little kids camera that I'm hearing so much about. Digital, unbreakable. I'll ixnay it till some one one with kids comes out with something better. The pictures are fuzzy and the "delete" button is bright red and huge.
My Halloween and Fall stuff is almost up, I'll take pics inside and out. Got my hat swap goodies from Cathy Nash, will be posting those this week end and will be working on goodies for my drawings all month long.
Have a great day!
Funny Stuff
The two ladies looked up and I stumbled a apology as I pushed their carts aside to get through.
I used that rudeness as a consequence to not a get him a "toy" even though I wasn't planning on getting him a toy either way!
Small Bits of Happiness
- Crisp October Air
- Dyllan's infectious giggle
- Cinnamon in my morning coffee
- Thunderstorms and Lightning
- Warm fuzzy socks
- Crunchy fall leaves
- Hot apple cider
- Mulling spices on the stove top
- Family get togethers
- Disney Land
- Halloween Decorating
- Pumpkin Carving
- Lots of Glitter
- My Muse
- Crop Parties
Your turn. What makes you happy?
Joyful Noise

Oatman Hotel Ghost Sighting
~~~~ Not for the faint of heart, many of my post(s) will consist of ghostly sightings, like the one below. I will always include interesting facts about the places and am always open to stories.
My dream is to someday make up a book or scrapbook of stories and photo's of these events from friends and my self. Feel free to send me a pic or story if you have any, with your name and place/date of pic.
~~~~~Every year we go to Laughlin, NV, for river fun and historic sight seeing. If the weather is not too un-bearable, we visit the small town of Oatman in AZ.
Wild burros roam the streets, sometimes the miners have mock gun fights. Mostly I like to look at the old buildings and visit the Oatman Hotel where 2 of my favorite movie stars stayed on a regular basis. Clark Gable and Carole Lombard.
Click here for more history on the hotel.
Disneyland Musings
Pets I remember
~~~In today's post she talks a little about her son's hermit crab that died plus other daily happenings. What I liked what her oldest son went into the garage and made a little tombstone with a piece of wood and distressed it to look old with white out! There is even a picture.
~~~So that brings me to remember of all the pets I've had and burials we've done.
In no particular order...
Weekend Scrapbooking Retreat
I got an award!
Still here...
~~~~~Later today I'll finally work on posting some pic's from the retreat, show a blog award I got and some other stuff.
In a few, I'm off to MOPS with Dyllan where I'm guaranteed hot coffee and a full meal while Dyllan is taken care of in another room! Plus I'll chat up with any other girls that might be hooked on dancing with the stars as I am. I knifty knit scarves while I'm watching my shows as to not lose out on precious crafting time. Some will make it in my shop while others are future gifts.
Talk to you soon!
Getting Ready
You betcha Mom!
In a Nut~shell...
1. Monday night felt extremely nauseous. Feared the worst. slept bad.
2. Tuesday Morning awoke not to sickness but to a visit from "Aunt Flo". Went early with
Dyllan to a orientation of "Wee little ones" something like pre-school that starts next Tuesday.
Ran errands all day.
7 Weird Facts about Me.
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. Share 7 facts about YOU. Let them be random weird, devastatingly interesting.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post, linking their name with the list.
4.Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blog.
Ava Grace Crown

~~~ Ava Grace was born on February 12th, 2007 with Pfeiffer Syndrome .
She is truly a "little" Angel.
Dyllan, Dyllan, Dyllan

Good Karma

This particular crown always makes me feel good when I gaze at it's simple charm.
So I've decided to make a new one for the "Ava Grace" silent auction. It has lots of vintage charm; pearls, rhinestones, glitter and inspirational words.
Great, now I'm sleepy...

4. maybe wash the car later.