Faerie Garden Swaps

 Every year I will host 1-2 Faerie Garden  Swaps.

If you would like to be notified of future swaps before they go "live" on my blog, please  contact me.
I will happily put you on a Master list.
Or....you can join my "Charms and Faerie Garden Miniatures" group on Face Book.

Past Swaps:

Faerie Garden Swap 2014 
Winter Faerie Garden Swap 2014 
Halloween Miniature Garden Swap 2015 
Faerie Doors and windows swap 2016

 Premise of each Swap- 
  1. Open to 20 participants, unless otherwise noted.
  2. Charms/Miniatures must be durable enough to be worn or displayed.
  3. If you are working with clay, please be sure no fingerprints remain on finished piece.
  4. Please make something you'd like to receive.
  5. All media allowed for the Charms/Miniatures as long as you adhere to the theme.
  6. No "cute" Charms/Miniatures please.
  7. No religious or political images or script.
  8. Must be 18 years or older to participate.
  9. International welcome if your country allows "organic" items.
  10. All Charms/Miniatures must include a ATC.
  11. All Charms/Miniatures must be individually wrapped or securely bagged. 
  12. Swaps are usually posted 1-2  months before due date.
  13. Must provide current e-mail address for participating swap updates and to be added to "Master" invitation list.
  14. Must be able to provide a check, cash or be billed via Pay Pal for return shipping. I use Priority mail which includes a tracking #.
  15. As a courtesy to others, if your package arrives past the due date, you will be given a warning, on your third strike you'll be removed from future swaps. 
*But if you have less than 3 strikes by the end of the year, at the start of the new year, you will have a clean slate.


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