I got a letter in the mail yesterday from the OC Fair letting me know that I am to be presented a award on August 7th at the OC fair for my 1st place/ Division Winner Tiara! I'm so excited! Should I wear a another tiara creation when accepting my award?

That yellow ribbon is such a "happy" color...don't you think? :)

And here is my 1st crazy quilt as displayed...I'm proud to receive honorary mention!

Last week when I took Dyllan to the fair, it was just the two of us so I made it a day for him. I got him a $25 ride band that let him have unlimited rides until 8pm. He must have rode all that he could for 6 solid hours!
We met with my friend Teresa and her daughter Sydney who was in a kids dance troupe. We watched them dance and then the two went on this water ride....

They had to leave to pick up visiting family at the airport while Dyllan went on to have the day of his life!

We played a few games and he made out like a bandit on all the things he won!

As for things to eat, I did succumb to the tantalizing smells and gave in to some monster onion rings that we shared. But I did not order from the "Heart Attack Cafe"...check out their warning sign...

The deep fried butter from what I heard was a stick of butter covered in cream cheese then deep fried. The chocolate covered bacon actually sounds pretty tasty!

I'll pass on the frog legs but maybe next time I'll try the deep fried Klondike bar...

Of course my favorite is always the deep fried artichokes...yum!