I will giving away 3 of my nest charms to three unselfish people at the end of this month.

~ Do you believe in Karma? If you don't, you should. Because for every GOOD you do, it comes back to you times 3.
For a chance, or two, or three or more...I'm asking everyone to do a good deed for a friend, neighbor, family member or even a stranger.
*Think how you'd feel if some one did something nice to you...
~ Then come back her and post what you've done.
Here are some idea's to get your Good Karma juices flowing...
- Fill up a friends gas tank.
- Pay for a strangers coffee at Starbucks
- Buy a magazine subscription for someone.
- Send someone you just met a cheery card
- Help entertain children of a overwhemed mother while in line at a store.
- Pay a needy teenager to do something you would normally do your self and enjoy the free time
- Mow your neighbors lawn
- Visit someone you don't know in a nursing home
- Make a big dessert and invite your neighbors to help you eat it.
- Compliment a stranger
- Put a quarter in a expired meter
- Think of someone who made a difference in your life, and tell them.
- Help a older person shop
- Buy extra copies of your favorite inspirational book and give it away.
- Smile and give a warm greeting to someone you feel like advoiding.
- Bring a meal to someone who just had a baby or has been ill.
- I'm sure there's more...
Please read THIS. It is a post by my dear friend Nina and the similarity of our "Giving" post is un-canny!
~ So post here as often as you can on this thread about the good you've done from this moment forward. Make sure I have a way to reach you in the case that you might have won.
I sent my newspaper subscription to someone else while I was away on holidays so at least it could be enjoyed.
I'm sending out a few RAKs in the mail today. I've got supplies I won't be able to use, and know others that would love to have them.
Your bird nests are wonderful! I love the little blue robin eggs.
Very sweet encouraging post - and so true. Whether you call it karma or blessings or passing it on... it's just the best way to live life. And you can't out-give the love and blessings that come back your way!
Have a good day. Smiles, Cat
Love the post...my husband mows our neighbors lawn every week. She says we can never move! The best part is that she doesn't expect it. If we are gone she does it herself.
It's truly ironic that you would create a contest of this nature, as just this morning I wrote something of this nature on my own blog.
So here's my entry!
Here's a second entry!
I can go on...LOL
Hi Michelle,
Great ideas!!
I will have to do one of those acts of kindness.
Thanks for your kind words,
I do indeed believe in karma. I'm just getting ready to go to the post office to mail out 3 handmade b-day cards, 2 handmade thank you cards, & 2 handmade get well cards. I'm also boxing up some homemade jellies & jams to send a friend to thank her for sending me some scrapbook book supplies that she no longer wants.
About a month ago I posted on my blog about the lost art of snail mail and asked for my reader's snail mail addresses and their birth dates.
I wrote all of the information that I gathered in a journal that a dear *blog* friend, Deena, sent to me *for no reason* several months ago. I had not yet used it for anything, and look, the reason was so that I would have somewhere to keep track of all of the information that I had gathered!
I send out on average at least one sweet note or care package a day and on the birthdays that I have a record of (includes family, friends, blog friends....) I send either a card that I've made with a note or a surprise package or present.
This adventure has been wonderful! I love doing it and actually look forward to finding someone that needs a note of encouragement so I can write them one!
Today I will be writing a note to my Lancome girl, Mari, whose father is in a coma and on life support and one to an acquaintance who just became a grandmother.
That's what I do and I do it to bless others - most of the time I'm the one that's the most blessed!
jan thomason
Wow this little giveaway is just to adorable.
1. There was an older man that was trying to get rid of some of his cantalope so we bought 2 of them for $5.00 instead of $3.00. It looked like he could use it.
2. My DH and I met a lady that was down on your luck and her lawnmower was broken and she hasn't cut her grass all summer. It was totally out of control. So we went over and my DH cut the grass (I watched..teehee) and it took 4 hours cuz it was so long. Then at the very end our mower broke a belt. So guess who's grass is getting tall now????
That's it for now. Thanks for a chance.
stampincmeyers@yahoo dot com
I have a friend that had a baby girl after having 2 boys. They couldn't afford a dress for their baby's blessing day so I made one and gave it to them as a gift. If you want to see it, here's the link. http://fairychildheirlooms.wordpress.com/2008/06/05/14/ I was on a "giving" high for days!
Thanks for the chance to win such cute charms!
oops! I think I cut off the last part of the link! here it is again
http://fairychildheirlooms.wordpress.com/2008/06/05/14/ if that doesn't work, visit my blog and search: bria
I paid the toll charge for the car behind me on the toll road and drove away quickly and exited before they could catch up to me to thank me (smiles).
I took the neighbor kids to the park today as a surprise for their parents so they cold have a few hours of adult time!
I've been thinking about the same thing lately.
I provide supervised visits, and one of my visiting clients had difficulties getting to the visits in order to visit her children because her bike was vandalized. Well, I posted a wanted for a new bike, and managed to get a Woman's Schwinn's bike and delivered it to her. I was more estatic than she was getting it, just by seeing the joy in her face. JJ McElroy
My cousin has been in ICU for a few months now. My 70 year old aunt & uncle have been making the 60 mile daily trip to the hospital. With gas prices the way they are I know it's been a strain. I made them a thinking about you card & enclosed a check to help out with gas.
G'day Michelle
Your little birds nests are so adorable ... Karma is the real thing to me ... & I think my friend enjoyed what I did for her when she needed it as life has been a bit too hectic for her of late. She came on by for tea last night so I made her favourite, pumpkin soup & made sure there was enough for her lunch today ... I also benifited from this giving as I got to enjoy her company for an hour or so as she has moved away & I miss our person to person chats. OOroo ... Bethel
I'm attending a crop this wkend that we are making cards for the troops & bringing personal hygiene & snacks to send to them in care pkgs.
Later today I am going to visit an elderly woman & take her dinner so she has something hot to eat.
I try to do something for someone every week to keep me humble and feeds my spirit. Thanks for being so kind & the birds nest are soo pretty esp the blue robin eggs.
I will use some of ones you listed too.
A woman called my office to inquire about services. She couldn't afford the rates as she is on limited income. I gave her 3free hours, plus free mileage and transportation to visit her daughter. It is so rewarding to see the children's faces when they visit their parents. JJ McElroy
I mowed my elderly neighbors lawn this morning because they can not do it any more and I refused to take the money that is what neighbors are for!
I dropped off some fresh produce from our garden to the local food bank yesterday.
This evening I am going to make a roast pork feast for my dear neighbours next door!
Their daughter Emilia who came to help out her mother in need, is leaving tomorrow and returning back home to Chile after having spent the last 2 months here, away from her own little family!
Emilia's daughters also came for 2 weeks and are leaving today! It will be so sad without them around and I know I am going to have to be there for Primo and his wife on a daily basis once Emilia is gone!
These people are so good...I cannot take any credit for the good that I do, as they truly deserve it!!!
I sent a few people some cards this week to brighten their day. I hope it works. LOL
Last night while at Best Buy we noticed a woman trying to get two big boxed into her car and we knew that would never work so we offered to take them to her house as we had a truck. . . she was awe struck that a total stranger would offer to do that for her and offered money for gas but we refused!
Went to the grogery store today and there was a little old lady trying to find this certain noodle package. So I stopped shopping for me and started helping her and we findly found it. WHOOO HOOO!
Sunday was the first day alone for my neighbours, after having been flooded with help and support from all sides. With their daughter Emilia gone, I could just imagine how scared and alone Primo's wife felt! I woke up early Sunday morning and dashed for the kitchen, where I cooked up a storm!
I made pancakes, sausages and breakfast potatoes and placed it all in a serving dish and made my way to their back door. They were both still sleeping around 7:45am, so I left the food on a chair right at their door. I sat out on my back balcony and simply watched to see if the plate would disappear. I also wanted to make sure no one's cat got to it, as I sat there ready to confront it! LOL
It took a blink of an eye and the plate was gone! I didn't hear or see anyone and wondered...I hope it was Primo who got the plate and not anyone else! LOL
Later on that day, I made a rib roast, mashed potatoes and topped it off with some vegetables. Called up the neighbours and asked them if we could join them with dinner in their backyard...so we all went. We ate like Kings and Queens and it truly made me happy to see Primo's wife smiling, as she looked on at how my children ate like champs and were so well behaved! She praised me for being a good mother and this truly made me feel good!
Monday (yesterday) I made 2 pots of tomato-beef soup and brought one down for Primo and his wife. When Primo's wife doesn't feel well, she doesn't feel like eating a lot, so I thought...who can beat soup!?!
Later on that evening, our doorbell rings, it was Primo...he brought us a couple of pints of milk for the kids! :o)
Many would say...
"For crying out loud...they aren't your folks and not your responsibility to feed!"
They are good souls and you should always look after those who look after you and care for those who care for you, no matter if they are family or not!
From my own experience, strangers have been kinder to me than any family could ever be!
What a sweet idea! I recently found two boxes full of the handbags I made which I used to sell in my shop. Rather than have them collect dust, I packaged them up to give to my Mom. She'll go through them, then my sister-in-law will go through them, then the remainder will go to my aunt and cousin to go through, and the rest will probably end up going to where my cousin works, to dish out the rest (at a national coffee chain). =)
I don't know if I do good, but I enjoy the fun of doing the unexpected. Twice this week I over-filled the parking meter in a busy area of downtown for the next person.
I'm sending out just because RAKs on Monday.
My neighbor is disabled and it is hard for her to take care and give love to her very large outdoors dog...Lucky. Me and Bailey (my pup) go over everynight to give Lucky lovin' and talk to him.
Our neighbor when their DD isn't all that good.....She has to write a letter to Santa to say sorry. Then she takes it to the mailbox and the post office won't take it. The nerve of them, so I offered to take the letter after they leave for the day.
I paid for the people coffee behind me yesterday at the coffee bean. . . just was one of those kind of days I needed to do something nice so I remembered that there are nice people out there yet on this planet!
I took a box of scrappin' supplies to give to my sil's when we went for a visit. I also sent some money to a neice who had a preemie & is needing to stay in a hotel to stay close to the baby that is still under 2 lbs. & in the hospital.
Yesterday I made home cookies for the neighbors. I love to make chocolate chip cookies but I am not suppose to eat them so they go straight from my oven to the neighbors around me which sis eally my blessing because I have such great neighbors who have always been there when I need them!
I re-upped my BH&G magazine subscription and it gave me a year free to give as a gift so I gave it to an elderly lady in the church who I thought would really enjoy it.
I remembered something else I did. I received a bunch of interactive children's movie cd's in the mail. It included activity ideas, recipes, games, etc. My kids are too old for that so I took the whole bundle across the street to my neighbor so that she could pass them out to her daycare kids.
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