that it is OK to embrace our "inner" witch!
I love it for setting, the house, the wonderful cast and the lovely spells and potions.
So I have put together a few fun things for you that remind me of this movie....
Witch Hat Cookies
you will need:
fudge striped keebler cookies
piped green icing
Hershey kisses (unwrapped)
1. place cookies - chocolate coated side -up
2. pipe a little icing in the center of each cookie
3. affix chocolate kiss
4. pipe icing around seam of kiss,then make the bow
5. devour

Delightful Ghost Treats
(because all witches need a satisfying snack while working on spells!)
You will need:
fresh baked brownies
large marshmallows
can-o-white frosting
piped black icing
1. place your brownies on a wire cooling rack with something underneath to catch drips
2. dab a bit of the white icing in the center of each brownie
3. place one marshmallow on icing
4. with a spatula, transfer 1/2 of the can-o-white icing to a microwave safe measuring cup.
5. nuke icing at 10 second intervals, stirring each time till it is hot and liquidfied
6. gently and slowly drizzel icing over each marshmallow, starting at the top, drizzle in a circle so that the icing drizzles down, coating the sides and pools on the brownie.
7. use of remaining frosting
8. let cool completely
9. with black icing, pipe black eyes on each ghost
10. be a "nice" little witch and share with your friends... ;)

Practical Magic Blog Party!
Please fly on over and see what all the other witches are brewing up!
I loved your blog party, those cookies look deeeelicious! :o)
OOh~ I have to make those ghost treats!! They look fun and delicious!!
Thanks for visiting my blog~
Have a magical week!! :D
I can't wait to try the cookies! Thanks for sharing them and the clip art with us! I greatly appreciate you visiting my blog today!
be true to oneself and blessed you will be!
Fun Practical Magic party post - loved the recipes! Thank you so much for coming to visit mine! Theresa
"Very Creative" AND Oh So Yummy!!! LOVE those cookies...
Hugs to you,
I LOVE the witch hat idea!
Wonderful party post. Thanks for sharing those recipes!! Brightest Blessings!
MMMMMMMMM! Cookies how delightful.
I'll try one of the witches hats please. - you must be one of those talented Kitchen type witches. Me, I only have a kitchen, because it came with the house.
Loved your Party post and Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful witchy clip art.
Brightest Blessings,
Wonderful post Michelle! Thank you for the freebies....printing out a sheet of teacups as soon as I finish this :)
Thanks again!
Magical delicious post, TY for sharing all the magic. Linda :)(Pyewacketts)
Love all the clip art - THANK YOU!!! Can't wait to make the witch hat cookies with my granddaughters!
Thanks for visiting with me!
cheers with smoldering potions,
Thank you so much for coming by my Practical Magic Party post.
Oh my gracious me oh my! What sweet dessert ideas! Love 'em! Thank you. And thank you for offering the great clip art, also.
Gentle hugs,
'An Auntie,' who was being "Sweet Aunt Bridget/Jet" for the weekend... And still is, I guess. :-)
Hi Michelle, I loved your party, your post was so magical and fun Your yummy treats were so good. Loved all of your imaages. Thanks for the tea cups. they will make a nice addition to my clipart. Thank you for all the fun.
Thanks for stopping by my PM party post! Your witch hat cookies and ghost treats are adorable and no doubt delish!
Oh so creative and yummy! Thanks for the clip art and cookie ideas. Enjoyed your PM post very much!
~^..^~ * Annabelle
I simply love the witch hat cookies so cute and so easy... just the way I like it.... thank you so for stopping by and visiting my PM party.... love yours as well...
The cookies look yummy! Thank you for coming by my party and inviting me over to yours.
I love your blog party post...those little Ghost Treats are so cute!! And thank you so much too for the ephemera. It's wonderful!
Bright Blessings!
What fun! I loved the witch hat cookies. Gonna' make some and send to my grand-daughter. :) Have a happy week.
Thank you so much for sharing your spooktacular treats with us! Not only are you filling our bellies with magic, but providing us with some wickedly cool images too! I feel spoiled. The clipart is great. I bet I'll be using that sheet music one quite a lot. I especially liked your reminder to us of the beauty in witches and women really. That's something we can never be reminded enough, isn't it? Are those photographs from one of your own creations? I'm so hooked on anything that sparkles! Mwahahaha!
Faith,trust, and faerie dust!
Hi Michelle! I'm dragging my broom behind me but I'm so glad I made it. Oh what a wonderful party post! Your hat cookies and ghost treats are simply delightful. They would be perfect for my Halloween tea party! And I LOVE the free clip art. Thank you so much! And thank you for joining our party and for adding to the magic and fun. If you have time next month I hope you can play at my tea party too. Have a beautiful day!
Wonderful blog.
I love your posts...
Did you know I have a weakness for marshmallows! Just because of that, this is currently my favorite post :)
Did you know I have a weakness for marshmallows! Just because of that, this is currently my favorite post :)
LOVE your wonderful Blog Post...great recipes9my kids are grown but how adorable....gonna pack these away for possible future grandchildren) love the clip art and your atcs are nice also :)
Thanks so much for sharing with us all.
please visit mine for a chance at a giveway and also a GRAND giveaway!
Peace n love,
I will be making both of these concoctions with my grand daughter, thanks!!
great blog, sorry I'm late, so many party blogs to check and life has a habit of getting in the way. lover the ghosties and witch hat cookies.. im only just on the F's
I love the post!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the little treats! and Cards
Oh my goodness..you spoiled us! :D Thank you so much for all of your generosity! I will definitely be using some of the goodies you gave us :) Best wishes and magical days to you and your family!
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