And even though my I did a great job on this Lay Out, I did not place any ribbons as I did not fully understand the categories, being my first year entering.

~These are my entries from last years Fair, themed " Herefords, Surfers, and Sand"
Living in South California, this theme hit home for me!
My Bracelet placed 2nd in the amateur jewelry division under fair theme.
I kept it along the line of a Mermaid Sea Treasure.

~ My initial idea completely fell thru on this collage, and after putting it off for so long, I just through a bunch of stuff together. It earned a honorable mention ribbon.

My Crown got a 3rd place ribbon in the recycled division.
I made roses out of (un-used)paper napkins, vintage music sheets, ribbon scraps, buttons, rinestones and findings from the hardware store.

~ I thought my captured Surfer came out well. I made her for the fair theme division and even though she did not place I learned some new techniques that I'm happy to know.

My Scrap box won 1st place!
I used a medallion stamp and spent many hours layering pieces upon each other.
Quite worth the effort.

I made the pics small so you can click for close up's!
~ So Now, what to do..what to do...?
The theme this year is "Say Cheese!"
And now I am stumped. I want my stuff to be crafty in my style, not corn ball. I have to decide quick as I need to register on line by May 21st,I'll still have time to make my items before delivery.
Here are the category's I plan to enter~ (if you are familiar with my work, any suggestions would be appreciated!) I will register Saturday May 17th.
I'm allowed 1 entry per class with a max of 10 entries.
Division 420 - Recycled materials
class 02 Paper/Cardboard
~I really like working with paper and such...I was thinking of making a stained glass like mobile?
Or another Crown?
class 03 Papiermache
I was thinking a papiermache faerie wand...
Division 458-Paper Crafts
Class 02 Collage
~I have a collage idea swimming in my head involving butterflys and a metamorphis of me? words? something...
Division 459- Scrapbooks and Stamping
Class 01 Rubber Stamping
I thought I'd used my medallion stamp to make a pretty card.
class 02 Decorated Scrapbook (50%) handmade
I want to make another scrap box but with a new stamp set and make it a little more 3D
Division 480-Help a Child Smile
class 01 Toy,stuffed-all features must be sewn, no buttons.
I ran out of time last time and did not submit a toy. I think I'll do a sock faerie this time.
My 1st year I carelessly entered the Chili contest. I learned from the best that presentation is the "key". It was very hard and messy to make at home and then transport my chili to the judging tables. Even though I did not place, I had loads of fun being part of a "live" judging.
This year I have a better plan.
When; Sunday, July 20th, check in at noon, contest at 1pm.
01 Cheese
02 Fondue
03 Other ~ I'll be entering my Garlic Artichoke Dip. Any idea's on what I should serve it in would be great!
Division 301 Amateur Jewelry
class 09 other beading ~ I'll enter a birds and nest themed piece
Division 303-Amateur Theme
class 01 Any item pertaining to the fair theme"say cheese!"
...any suggestions?
Whew! That puts me at 9 entries!
~ I'm looking forward to hearing some great idea's from all of you!
That sounds like a lot of work Michelle.
Good Luck!
PS. Love your entries from last year.
Fair time is always fun. I have been entering since I was 9 and old enough for 4-H. I remember one year when a cocky 16 yr old (me) beat out a bunch of old ladies with her jelly. That was fun. You don't have to pre-register with our fair, just bring your stuff on the day of entry. Good luck and have fun.
I stand in awe! You have a huge amount of work ahead of you... you have my best wishes, and I am sending positive thoughts out to you....
Hi Michelle. It looks like you did wonderful work last year. When I think of the theme, I'm thinking lots of photographs. Like, the surfer girl you made last year, incorporated into different art.
I think your ideas sound great. I've never entered anything in the fair but you've got me thinking now. Maybe I could at least enter the rubber stamping category.
Good luck!
Michelle, Do you live in SC now? Your fiska-bio says california.
I'm a south carolinian and always enter the state fair.
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