~ I just wanted to share with you some photo's I took last Sept/29th. I came home from dropping Dyllan off at Pre-School and proceeded to work in the studio a bit.
A sudden roar of thunder made me jump out of my chair in fright and then I rushed to find my umbrella and grabbed the camera for some fun!

~ I Love the rain. The pitter patter, how fresh it smells and how clean and sparkely it makes everything look afterwards.

~ This is one of my most cherished posessions. My $10 curved wooden handle Victoria's Secret Umbrella. I've had it for 15 plus years and love it.

~ In front of our house I have a wild and untamely purple Salvia growing. It seems to be a favorite of a hummingbird couple. I take photo's of them every chance I get!

~ Look at those magnigicent clouds.

~ In the back yard...my Margarita limes... almost ready.

~ A dewey delight from my "Angel Wings" plant.

~ Please go here to see more "Angel Wings"

~ New growth after a hot summer.

~ As of today I have one Artichoke growing. I usually get up to 5 per stalk twice a year. Yum!

~ Ahhh, Plumeria. I will often clip one to my hair with a barette and smell naturally lovely all day.

~ Waiting to feed some birds...

~ A Mothers Day Gift.
The lighthouse is magicaly nestled in some winter vine that will turn a fabulous shade of red when the cold snap settles in. I have this print availible for sale Here.

~ The rain has stopped. The little bird is taking a break.
~ Love his tiny feet! I have him for sale here!

~ Thanks for looking! I long for rain again. It was very cold and windy here in Southern CA, today then got warm and windy. We are expected to hit another hot spell but I'll keep my fingers crossed for more rain...
gorgeous piccys michelle , love the vivid colours of the flowers and that garden sign is soooo cool !
Completely gorgeous photos. What a treat.
I love hummingbirds...just gorgeous shots! Would love to know what kind of camera you used. I'm in the market for a new one!
Your photos are just enchanting...enjoyed seeing them all!
Rain is really an event when it finally falls in southern California, huh? Of course, not that we get much up here in the eastern Sierras. I miss it.
Wow, I am humbled by your photos. SO pretty and thoughtful. You're inspiring me to get out my own camera. :)
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