~ I'm a 'tad' late in posting for Vanessa's Halloween party as it
was a busy weekend!
We had a blast at CA Adventures Halloween party and my costumes turned out great, but I forgot to take pics...I promise on Halloween!

We skipped going to Oak Glen on Saturday since we were all pooped from Friday night and plan on going the first weekend of November. We won't be so rushed then and can relax and have some country bumpkin fun!

Here are some pics of my deco's. I played around with photo shop a bit to make them a little extra spooky!
I actually think the spider web looks great!! Very spooky indeed!
No real advice except maybe finding a really large spider who'll work for you? ;) :D
Maria-Thérèse / ♥ www.afiori.com ♥
Sorry so late to visit...I traveled Vanessa's list from the bottom up this time. Great pictures of your decor!!
Happy Halloween!
Cute decor! Thanks for stopping by ;) Happy Halloween!
What a great post and beautiful photos. I have enjoyed my visit to your party. Happy Halloween.
thanks for sharing your decorations! very cool!
Still making my way through the guest list at Vanessa's Halloween party.... Love your blog!
Happy Halloween!
~ Carolee
Wow...what a party. So many party goers, so little time...sorry I'm late. I love all of your decorations, especially the bulletin board full of halloween goodness. Did you make the cute party hats and cones? They are lovely.
Thanks for sharing,
Hey I think the webs look great. Thanks for stopping by! I was bad too and missed the post date of the party.. wa wa waaaaa.. I do feel really bad.
You blog is so cute. thanks for sharing.
Great decorations! I love the scull with the party hat:)
Sounds like you've been busy. It is hard to get through all these blogs. I think I'm only half way there...sigh
Happy Halloween! Love all your goodies!
You have loads of decorations! It is wonderful to see spider webs with spiders in them for a change! Nice job.
Happy Halloween! I'll never get thru the party list myself; I'm only up to the "F" section! Isn't this fun? I love your decorations; my mom has the exact same nut holder with the squirrel on top as you do. What a small world...
Such an array of classic and whimsical decorations!
Love them all - great great photos. Thank you for sharing
Hi,,, its so nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It has taken a while to get to all the parties. LOL Its been alot of fun. Thanks for having such a fun give away. I really enjoyed looking around your blog!!! Happy Halloween.,gail
Great, great collections and photos. Fantastic! Thanks for stopping by and if you get a chance, come back by. Just did another Halloween post with martinis. Debbie
You sure have a lot of Halloween decor! I think the front door spiderweb looks great!
You have awesome Halloween decorations. Have a great Halloween.
Thank you for stopping by and I love you decor! Happy Halloween!
I just love all your whmsical decorations! I think your spider web looks great. It seems the web stuff has changed since I last used it. Happy Halloween!
Dyllan is one lucky little boy to have such a creative mommy!
He will grow up with quite the imagination, if he hasn't already have one for himself! :o)
You've always inspired me...keep up the good work! xoxox
all of your little vignettes look AMAZING!!! I love love love the skull with the partyhat!
I can't wait to see what you come up with for your costume...I'll be back to see :)
PLease enter me in your FAB give-a-way!!!
What a "treat"!
Loved all your decorations! But especially the 'Bad to the Bone' sign. That's a 'must get' for me.
Thanks for the party! Enjoyed it! Happy Haunting!
Wonderful Halloween decorations! Thanks for stopping by my place!
Love your spooky decorations...especially the big cat head :)
Thank you for your visit, this has been such a fun party.
you sure have been busy! Love all your Halloween stuff. Thanks for a chance to win.
connie #2909
you sure have been busy! Love all your Halloween stuff. Thanks for a chance to win.
connie #2909
I SO love the Haunted Mansion ! It was the FIRST ride I went on at Disneyland when I was 12 !! This would be SO cool to win ! Thanks for the chance at a childhood memory item ! Love all your whimsies and Halloween fun !! Very cool !!
Laura #1943
Very cool decor! Thanks for sharing! Our family is definately a big haunted mansion fans!
I know the quality of spider web ahs certainly gone down hill. Did you try Target's? That's where I usually get mine.
You are no doubt the supreme Halloween Diva and I shall now "poof" you on the Fiskateer board. In fact you;re so good, I may have to hand my magic "poofing" wand over to you!
Wow...you HAVE been busy!!
Thanks for the Cosco tip. I will definitely be looking into that!
Love your blog! I adore the cat with the hat in the second picture!! I wish I lived in the California area - sounds like you had a blast !
Oh, I completely forgot about this fun blog party! Your decorations are wonderfully spooky! I love the wish bones on top of your "bad to the bone" sign!!
Our spiderweb is pretty lame too - doesn't stick to anything and keeps gobbing up. I think yours looks good!
it all looks spooktacular!
Is that the prisioner from the Haunted Mansion at Disney World? That is my favorite ride *ever*. I love the Manor Phantome at Paris Disney, too. The graveyard outside is incredible and you can actually walk around the outside of the house. Neat!
Boy oh boy! it all looks great! i grab a bag of mini choc bars and hand them at the door and thats the extent of my halloween! i love the spider web! plenty of time to breed your own trapdoor spiders to make it real for next year! otherwise you will have to keep eyes peeled in the halloween sales!
Beautiful work!! Loving the cones. Perhaps Lilliput and I will attempt them this afternoon...if not, I'm feeling like a halloween garland.
You have the most amazing collection of Halloween decorations!! BTW, I love the Halloween ATC card you made for the Fisk-a-teers swap. XOOXO
I like your web...especially love the light underneath...will you put a big spider on it?
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