It's always nice to be given an award for something you do and just reminds us that people do notice the little things we do. So what does this award really mean?
Well here is a little ditty I copied from Laura's blog...
~~~~~"The Power of Schmooze Award is for bloggers who effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship.." I thank Laura of katydidy's for this honor!
So, who's next?
How about, Rosemary from Rosespetitemaison~ She is also the winning bid on my Ava Grace Crown!
Alison @ Creative Art and Craft by Alison Gibbs ~also wish her happy Birthday today!
Dale of Sea Dream Studio, please check out her pink fairy shoe~it's absolutely delightful!
Susan of Red Bess Bonney tagged me for 6 random things about my self.
Susan of Red Bess Bonney tagged me for 6 random things about my self.
1. If I have not mentioned it before, I hate wearing shoes inside my home or even checking for the mail. That will explain why the bottoms of my feet are often dirty.
2. Sometimes I twirl my hair, sometimes getting my finger stuck and cutting off circulation.
3. When I was little, I used to eat my hair. I seriously don't even know why.
4. I can't stand materialism and my eyes glaze over when people talk on and on about the name brands they just can't live with out. Except when it comes to craft supplies... ;0)
5. I have 1 younger real sister~ Katalina, 1 older 1/2 brother ~ John, 1 older 1/2 sister ~ Lorena, and 4 older step brothers~ Nelson, Andrew, Edward and Doug.
6. I believe in past lives and sixth sense.
Tonight I'm looking forward to getting some more knitting done watching Dancing with the stars and Ghost Hunters on sci-fi!
I agree with Susan from her response to my "Lookie-Lookie" post, the female model is not all there and I don't know about Wayne Newton. I've never ever seen in so up close and personal. I love his music and all but I did not realize how weird his face was! It kinda creeped me out to look at him! Is he hunch back? The upper torso was weird to and seemed to stop him from dancing right.
I really liked the foot work of the cheetah girl and the model guy did pretty well. Marie Osmond is a sweetheart but not the best dancer, I only wish Donny could have been dancing instead!
~~~A really long time ago at one of my earliest girl scout camping trips we were all waiting patiently for a guest entertainer in a outside fire pit area of a state park. I was front row, all of 12 years and who should show up but Donny Osmond singing "Puppy Love"! It was the best!
Hi Michelle,
Thanks so much for the nice award.
I have been so busy today, just now got to read your blog.
It's nice to be recognized.
Oh, how sweet! An award!!! Thanks & big hugs!
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