~ Have you ever found your self in a situation where you could not go forward and had to patiently wait it out with no one but your self for company? That's how it was for me.
I got stuck on the 4th level of a parking structure at closing time for a popular outdoor mall.
I crept inch by inch, level by level for 45minutes. During that time I had time to collect my thoughts, which to be by myself in any car is rare, but it was my night out.
I thought about some new birds nest wire wrapped charms I'm working on, and how excited I was at the prospect of making some new things to go with them!
Thought of the tye dye shirt I was wearing, and how next time
I'll wear gloves before I take out the rubber bands and my then my hands won't turn
ompa loompa blue~( they are fine now with the wonder of swimming in a pool!)
I thought about how far I've come and how much of undiscovered art and crafts land there is for me to explore and create.
~ Other places that I collect my thoughts:
are watering in the garden,
in the shower,
going on a nature walk with Dyllan,
flipping through books at the book store,
meeting with like minded friends,
shopping by myself,
sorting my stash.
This months giveaway is a randomly made altered art journal similar to the one above but not the same!
It will be made of scraps of paper, fabric, wire and even clip art.
It may have lines and blank pages for you to jot down your most random thoughts and inspirations.
Maybe a pocket or two to store a secret.
I will pick a name out of a hat after July 31st.
Please make sure you are reachable in the case you win.
Also post here or on your own blog where you cultivate your inspirations!
I'm not entering the contest, I just enjoyed your post. I will think of answers...
WOW what a gorgeous journal - I wouls love to win one just like it.
I often wish I had a journal with me at all times to write down things - especially beside my bed as some of my dreams are my best thoughts.
Thanks for the chance to win.Cheers
Maursie (Fiskateer #1319)
Wow, I didn't realize that you made such a wide variety of beautiful things. The journal pictured looked wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win one.
Tona Fiskateer #4437
How Beautiful !! I love taking a journal while on vacation ! I took my first cruise last September...and I can go back and relive EACH day...and moment I wrote in my journal ! Would LOVE to win one as we are going to Cape Cod this September for a week !! We rented a cottage by the beach and a journal would be just what I would need !! Thanks Michelle !!
Hi Michelle!
Your journal is beautiful! It would be great to carry it with me in the car. I drive 50 minutes to work each day (and then 50 home), and while sitting in traffic is where some of my ideas and thoughts really come into fruition. Thanks for the opportunity!
Jowayne Fiskateer 4351
Oh I would love to enter to win that journal! Trouble is I find I rarely have time to think these days.. with 3 young children, a husband, two dogs, 2 cats, 4 kittens, a business to run and a house to keep clean! However, the rare times I do get to think for 5 minutes Im usually in the car on my own, or just before I switch the lights off at bedtime.. but that only last seconds before I fall asleep! Lovely blog by the wayx
Every night at 4:30 Kevin gets off work and I meet him at the garage so I use that half hour while he's driving home to sit outside and wait for him and collect my thoughts and ideas. If it's winter I do the same thing but sit at our kitchen table so I can see him drive up. I love it most in the nice weather when I can wait and enjoy our flowers and wild life and just sit and think.
Thanks for the RAK.
Peg (Fiskateer #3675)
Beautiful Journal. I would love to have one for the car. I spend way to much time there. Thanks for the RAK.
Hahaha, I was having umpa-lumpa blue hands too, while I was comparing prices of ink at home and forgot that I didn't screw the 'cork' on the bottle, just put in on top of it...the edges of my nails are still blue...Winning a price would make me forget about all that ;-) so please put my name in that hat!
What a beautiful journal Michelle! Don't include me in the drawing since I recently won those magnificent alpha bet stickers from you (they are already getting good use).
Sometimes, my inspiration comes from a memory, so I quickly grab my pen and journal the thought. Other times is from ideas like the journal you posted. The colors immediately had my head swirling and I had to take a moment to sketch and make notes before I posted. Thanks.
Sandy, Fiskateer #1781
That was a great post Michelle.
Hope you had a nice 4th.
I cultivate my inspirations while I'm hiking, mostly, as well as when I'm knitting. I find that my body needs to be moving in order for my mind to get anywhere useful.
Very creative! Thanks for the giveaway!
The journal is so wonderful. How nice of you to have a giveaway! I'd love to win it! Jamie V in MT
This is exactly what I need - if I dont win do you make them and sell them or can teach me how to make one because it is beautiful and I need to start keeping a journal with me instead of having random pieces of paper floating around my purse. lol Thanks for the opportunity
Your journal is beautiful. I have played with making some journals, but nothing comes close to what you made. Where do I get my inspiration, it comes from so many different sources. My wonderful family, other blogs that I read, an idea book, a fun activity, and my creative friends.
WOW Beautiful!!!Michelle!!!Gosh that might make me think and write down Lots of HAPPY thoughts!! Bet it will make me more creative too...;o)
I love that journal! (I also have to mention how adorable your cupcakes on etsy are! Are they permanent?) I collect my thoughts in a journal I decorated with halloween stuff because halloween is so festive...I can't get enough of it all year long! :) This journal lives beside my bed, so I could reeeally use one for...everywhere else. I especially need one for ideas I want to use in decorating my house. I always think of them, then lose the scrap I wrote on. Love your stuff!
Fiskateer #1135
Michelle there is nothing like a beautiful journal to get people journaling. GREAT idea :)
How beautiful!
My favorite place to collect thoughts is a nice, long hot bath.
WOW! that jeournal is gorgeous.
Simply gorgeous! All of your things are beautiful and very inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win one! :)
Karen C. #4500
My inpiration comes from all around me. My family mostly, creation, sometimes advertising (lol)...but mostly my faith and my faith makes the wheels click for me.
What a wonderful idea! Thank you for counting me in!! I never have trouble remembering to bring some kind of paper to write on, now if I could just remember my camera.......
Lovely blog too!!
What a lovely journal.
Come on over, I'm also having a give away and will be drawing the winners name tonight.
Irma :)
beautiful journal...love it
wonderful blog
Michelle, what a beautiful Art Journal, and special place to jot down ones thoughts and dreams, I do most of my pondering while stuck in traffic, like most of us, judging by the comments here.
We always complain about traffic, but where would we do most of our thinking if it wasn't for the traffic? Life is so hectic these days...
Every cloud has a silver lining, we just have to find it...
Appreciate the chance to win such a treasure...
I love your site Michelle...and the journal is just beautiful!! Now i am off to visit your etsy store..LOL!!
Froggy #3117
Thanks for a chance to win a beautiful journal...I would use it to write memories of my mom...when I sit quietly and remember the little things ! Have a wonderful weekend !
Laura #1943
I would love to have a chance at one of your creative and inspiring journals. I could use one of these to put my thoughts and sketches in. Thanks for a chance.
What a wonderful RAK!!! I never have too many journals!!
I think in the car, in the shower, when I go to bed. I don't get a huge amount of spare time to think with two small kiddies but what time I get I take advantage of!!
Thanks for the chance!
Tracy Fiskateer #4168
Love all your work :=)
I am home alone alot so this is when I do all my thinking :=) Sometimes too much :=)
Turtlelady~Sandy #1715
Oh, sounds like a wonderful piece of art ... I would dearly love to enter the contest!!! (Oh, and I'm Fiskateer #3979) :)
Joan #808
I love the journal.It is really pretty.
what a beautiful journal, thanks for the change to win,
I lov to daydream, especially at night in bed for a few hours before I fall asleep
Karee Sue fiskateer #3609
Gorgeous journel. I would love to win it .. TFS..Mariah #2457ba
I love your journal!!! You are very creative. I am having so much fun looking around your bolg. Thanks for this opportunity .
Kathleen Fiskateer #324
Mmmmm, where do I gather my thoughts? You know, there is so much noise in the world, even in my studio because I often have the t.v. playing.
That's why I gather my thoughts in my car, top up or top down, but radio OFF.
Hope I win your giveway - I could use a new journal!!
the journal is absolutely stunning! I loved reading what you blog & nod my head in agreement while reading it.
would love to have such a great piece of art made by you in my craft space just to drool over...ok, yes I would use it to journal great ideas & my deepest artsy thoughts after i wipe the drool off my chin!:):)
L ~ fiskateer #4499
Wow you have beautiful creations. I like to draw sketches sometimes while at the dr. office or sitting outside on the patio. Thank you for the chance to have one of your books.
Fiskateer # 826
Just have to enter! I'm sure it's beautiful.
Wow, Michele, the journal is beautiful. I saw your entry at the OC Fair. i thot you should have won.
thank you for sharing and for the opportunity.
aloha, Anita #395
Wow that is just so pretty how fun would that be to write in!
I love altered art, and having an altered art journal as pictured would be awesome! It is simply gorgeous!
I cultivate my inspirations while... my Law lecturer drones on =D. I love to doodle! And I recently found out that my notebook is filled with words that pop up in my meandering mind rather than legal jargons... =P
Hope I am not too late in submitting my entry...
Have a wonderful day!
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