
Designers Challenge Blog Hop - Home Decor

As you know The Designer Crafts Challenge group posts a new theme every 1st Monday of the month.
The theme for this month is Home Decor.
We don't have any coasters so I thought to make some up.

When it comes to sewing, I hardly follow any rules and often make things up as I go along. I like to free-style sew so if you don't mind that, I hope you'll enjoy my basic tutorial. :)
 Using the quilting ruler below I traced the inside onto to fabric with a white pencil. When I came to any lighter fabrics, I used a pen.  The measurements are 4"x4". I cut out a assortment of different fabric patterns and thin quilting batting.
 For this project, you will need two 4"x4" pieces of fabric and one 4"x4" batting.

 Place one of your pattern pieces onto the batting, aligning the edges. Then cut off 1/4" of fabric.

 Then turn it over and place onto a 4"x4" square of other patterned fabric. The two positive sides of the patterned fabric touch. Make sure to align two of the corners.
 Stitch 1/4"  as shown, stopping at the end of the batting.
 Turn your fabric inside out. 
 Next, you can either fold the corners or snip the corners. Either way, you just fold over like a envelope and stitch all the way around.

 While these are not the most perfect coasters, I like them well enough. The fabric is cheerful and happy. I plan to keep some at the kitchen table and some in the living room.
Thanks for coming by! Please visit the rest of the designers for more Home Decor idea's!


ddazzled71 said...

Cute Project Michelle, I can't sew to save my life as they say. xx

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