
Sizzix Blog Hop - A Pocket full of Inspiration

Thank You for visiting my blog to see what I created
using the soon-to-be released
Sizzix Scoreboard Scalloped Box
designed by Eileen Hull!

The challenge for this "Hop"
was to incorporate a office supply into my design.
I chose lined paper and made my project into
a "Pocket Full of Inspiration"!
I wanted to create something that was as pretty
on the outside as it was on the inside.
I'm also a huge fan of Inspiration quotes
and wanted to "create" something that I could pull out
at any given moment....

I hope you like what I've created!
Have I inspired you?
I hope so!
Please click on the links at the end of this post
to see what all the other fabulous designers have created
and then vote for your favorite project
(please pick me!) on Eileen's Blog.
To vote, just leave a comment on her blog posting.
For example her current post is about the "Scalloped Box",
If you like my design best...please let her know on that post!

There will be 5 new scoreboard designs revealed.
One every 2 weeks, march 31st being the 1st.

Voting with close Monday April 5th at 6pm.
The winner will be announced on the interactive live web TV show,
cool2craft on April 19th.

Make sure you vote!
Because there are two prizes:
One for the designer creating the project that gets the most votes
and one to a random person (could be you!)
commenting on any of the participating blogs!
So please leave a comment "here" -
for your chance to win a Scoreboard die.

(Have a favorite quote? Feel free to share it in your comment -if you want,
and I'll share with you the ones I used in this creation!)

Materials I used to create this project:
"Twitterpated" by Imaginise, "Fired Brick" Distress Ink, "Viva Pink" Glimmer Mist,
X-Mas Red & Yellow "Stickles", "Chestnut Roan" Chalk Ink,
Lined paper, Elastic cord,
Vintage Rhinestone button, tacky glue
* * *
Blog Hop Participants:
Candice Windham
Cindi Bisson
Bee Shay
Roxi Phillips
Jennifer Ellefson
Laura Bray
Veronica Goff
Melony Bradley
Marisa Pawelko
Sandy Laipply
Lisa Rojas
Ann Butler
Bonnie Bruns
Jen Goode
Julie McGuffee
Karen Burniston


Subriagirl said...

Michelle, how cute! Love the littel artist quotes tucked within the scalloped pocket! How did you get the other artists names linked? Again....terrific work!

Anonymous said...

Great Job Michelle! This would make a nice mini gift album project.
Kathy H. - West Coast Croppers

TracyM #6773 said...

Cute project Michelle and love how you have used hand journaling to record your quotes :)

Donna said...

Oh I really like this little holder. It would make great gifts! Thanks for sharing and I'll be watching for these to come out!

Unknown said...

this is super cute Michelle! I've made something similar by hand but that's so much easier!

Anonymous said...

Michelle- very unqiue! I love this this, very inspiring

Roxi Phillips said...

I love little quotes and inspirational messages. Great idea to build a box to hold them!

Roxi Phillips said...

I love little quotes and inspirational messages. Great idea to build a box to hold them!

Sparkle said...

So cute, and full of inspiration.

Laura Bray said...

This is very cute Michelle! So sweet-I love the little kitty.

Karen B said...

Awwww! This is adorable!

eileen hull said...

Michelle, I love your box! That cute little critter (I have to look at it again- thought it was a fox) is adorable and I also like how you did the closure- that always stmps me and I wind up using the same velcro every time. Thanks!

Viji Siddharth said...

Will vote for you! Very adorable!

chignon said...

Beautiful Michelle! I love the idea of a *pocket full of inspiration* - fab. quotes! One of my favorite quotes is "Imagination is the highest kite one can fly" by Lauren Becall. Thanks for the inspiration, today is a good day to create!

JGoode said...

lovely it's a great concept! I'm especially fond of the closure you've created, it's so much fun.

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Wonderful project. I love that little fox.

Unknown said...

How darn cute is that fox?! Love it!

judy said...

I just love the box!! The kitty is so cute. I love anything that is different-especially the scalloped-edge.


lavendarrose29 said...

This is great. Good Luck on the contest. on my wat to vote.

Ann Butler said...

Great project....

Brenda Pinnick said...

Good idea and so adorable! I love it!

Cindi McGee said...

Cute! Love your fastening "mechanism"!

madelinesthoughts said...

It has a vintage look to me, which I love. Like the idea for inspirational quotes.

Anonymous said...

You've created something truly wonderful! I love the idea of saving your inspirational quotes in a special box! I must say Michelle, I loved your composition.
Using the fox as your focal point is absolutely adorable! The colors selection is very complimentary
to the "mood" of your art. And I do have a favorite quote to share..."The essential ingredient to creativity
is wasting time." - anonymous. Love your work Michelle! Keep those ideas coming!

kim.mom said...

SO CUTE!!! Love that fox!

Cottage Way of Life said...

Very nice! It's really interesting to hop to each blog & see all the different ways everyone came up with to decorate that scalloped pocket.

Scrapfaire said...

Beautiful Box of indpirational goodness!!! That paperline is fantabulous too!

Here's my favorite quote:
When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.

Peter Pan

Marisa Pawelko said...

Your style is very unique! I love all the little details and choice of materials!

Unknown said...

That is really cute Michelle. I like the idea of putting the daily quotes in there. I like the closure too.

calicodaisy said...

The box is so darling!

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doverdi said...

Cute project idea. It would make a nice gift idea. TFS!

Unknown said...

Great post, very informative. I think a lot of people will find this very useful.Keep post in coming future as well!!! reviewzonestamp


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